Neeka being aggressive --not sure how to stop it---

About 10 days ago i lost my other dog Lucibelle to coyotes--Neeka was fighting them but came out unhurt, thankfully. Since then she has been very aggressive with my fathers 6 month old golden. She has also showed aggression towards me--i tried to reach into her crate to take a bone out that she had taken from jack and she growled and snapped at me. She also has been having aggressive nightmares--when she is sleeping if i move she will growl and snap until she realises its me. i have moved her crate into my room and she will sleep in it but is guarding it from everyone. Also, lucibelles crate is in the garage--if she gets into the garage she will guard lucys stuff or the dog food we keep in the garage. Now the problem is everything i have read has said not to disipline her because she is suffering from being tramatized. she also has been puking alot of clear liquid when she gets all worked up and aggressive...any suggestions on how to get her to stop while not disiplining her?

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Hey. There is a natural product called rescue remedy that is supposed to be calming to people and animals. I know the health food stores all carry it here in Santa Barbara. But I'm sure you could find it online somewhere too. I actually just looked it up and they do have a website if you just google "rescue remedy for dogs".
My mom and aunt have used it with their pets & various rescue animals. Maybe give it a try for non-zombie calming?
Hope it helps!
in humans, they're going to start giving beta-blockers (for high blood pressure) to help prevent post-traumatic stress cuz it actually affects your memory and prevents the trauma from setting in. I wonder if they're safe for dogs...

I agree it may be helpful for the first part, just to get through.
Just TELL your vet you don't want a zombie dog, and ask your options.
Last January my sister lost her dogs to Coyotes in her own front yard. My boxer/pit Rayne was with her (she and my sisters dog were very very close) and even though she attempted a save it was too late.
Rayne didn't come away unscathed but wasn't seriously injured thought it wasn't until my sister decided to get another puppy that she started eating again. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it was for us and I don't wish it on anyone.

Her reaction wasn't as serious as it seems Neeka's is though. I would really look up a behaviorist for your girl before her trauma turns into bad habits.


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