Not about a corgi, but I know we have some very knowledgable folks here who might be able to offer advice to my sister.

She has an 8 year old English Mastiff who has arthritis. Titan got his rabies vaccination and then developed paralysis. He would not get up, and whined whenever my sister left his side. After pain pills and prednisone, he's moving around again but is still not "normal".

Is there a connection between the rabies vaccination and worsening arthritis in dogs?

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There is a definite connection between rabies vaccination in vulnerable dogs and polyarthritis (which is a major and sudden onset of pain in multiple joints). It's a known complication of anything that makes the immune system go bonkers, vaccination being probably the most common. Prednisone is the correct medication for it, which means that the vet probably thinks it's polyarthritis too.
My Shuffles stopped recieving the rabies vacine at age 8 due to his arthritis at my vets suggesting do to complications that may occur in older arthitic canines he lived to age 11. My 10 yr. indoor cat stopped receiving vaccines last year do to issues that older cats have with vacines however the vet made it clear if kitty starts spending time outside he needs to come in for all his shots again. This sounds like a scary thing for your friend and a painfull thing for her pup this might be a good time to open a dialogue with her vet about age, vacines, and the pro's and cons of going to a minalisctic route.


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