I was woundering how to keep Trevor from neck rolling in POOP i noticed him doing it when i was outside and i would scould at him. but then i let him out for like 20 minutes without me but when i called him back in his lovely white collar was COVERD in deer poop so i gave him a bath but is there any way to keep him from doing this. i know it is a instict but rrrgggg

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Dogs love to roll in stinky things....instinct that will always be there. I can only suggest to keep him on lead when he has access to such fun frolics or try to clean the area. This will be a lifetime issue. Dogs just enjoy it.
Sam is right on. The worse it smells the more fun it is to roll in it. No amount of scolding will help.
ah the beauty and smell of a poop beard - with Luna, I just keep her on her lead, let her smell and when she starts to roll, give a sharp "No!", and move on quickly, she is sure to find something new. Kai doesn't go for rolling in poop, but he loves rolling on dead lizards, snakes, etc. There also seems to be a direct correlation between finding poop and just having had a bath...
Such fun isn't it? Emmy's rolling pleasure is dead worms, and she will find them wherever they are! I don't think it is behavior that is easily changed, it's one of those doggie things that just grosses out us humans. You might be better trying to find a deterrent for the deer to keep them and their poop out of your yard.
How funny! When we first gave Chloe her interceptor pill she would not take it. We tried to get her to lick is out of our hand, didnt work. Then we decided to put it on the floor. She tried getting it in her mouth then spit it out. After she spit it out she started neck rolling onto it! It was soo funny!! This is my first dog, so I have never seen a neck roll :) Thats why it was so funny to me. I dont know how to prevent it, I just tell the stories :) lol
that is what trevor does but it is with something he loves...if you give him a hard treat and he really wants it but cant bite into it he tries to crush it, neckrolling on it, and then he will get up pick it up and start trying to eat it again he also does this with sticks...????that is trevor for you
He just wants to smell good for you!!! LOL. If you figure it out please let me know!! My dogs are always rolling in cow/deer horse coyote any kind of poo they can find. Wanna know what is worse?? When they find afterbirth that smells like something dead. Soooo gross!! Good luck.
I think it is next to impossible to train agaist this instinct! Living on a farm we have more that our share of disgusting things to roll in. The stories I could tell...just not the same if you can't smell the experience.
We humans give our canine pals ample food everyday. No longer do they need to hunt down and kill "dinner". Given that fact, you'd think they would have outgrown their primordial need to roll in poop, dead animal carcasses, or anything else particularly stinky!

Their wild wolf ancestor rolls in such odiferous objects to keep from smelling like a wolf. They can then sneak up on prey (dinner) without the hunted becoming aware of, and running away from the scent of a wolf.

So our dogs really aren't just having fun. "Stink rolling" is a basic survival instinct which our domestic dogs haven't learned is no longer needed. Also just another of my little bits and pieces of useless trivial knowledge! LOL


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