Heidi is a thirteen-month old Welsh Corgi/something mix Dad found wandering around our backyard on Friday. We found her masters, but the woman who came to collect her revealed that her husband did not want the dog, so she had been left staked outside for months. Not only is that cruel; in my neighborhood, that is coyote bait. Prior to that, her family had abandoned her when they moved away, so she roamed her neighborhood for months before the pound finally picked her up. She was put on death row for nipping at another dog and rescued at the last minute by the sister of the woman who came to pick her up. For reasons that are unclear, Heidi wound up living with the neighbor, who is too sick to keep up with her, and whose husband would just as well see her dead. So, Dad offered to take her in. The woman said she'd think about it, and dragged her home.
The next day, I woke up to Dad calling around the house after he returned from somewhere. He had Heidi with him. Her owners had surrendered her.
So, we have a dog. And the cats are not amused. She keeps trying to play with them, but they're not having any of it. Heidi is a total sweetheart, but is in dire need of some training. I took her to the dog park yesterday, and she did wonderfully with the other dogs, but she did not listen to a damn word I said. We're working on getting her to walk on a lead without pulling and not to jump on furniture. One small thing at a time. Dad signed up for obedience training at PetSmart. Mom is only allowing her to stay on the conditions that she minds, and that she does not harass the cats. Dad is really jumping into this. He's already fallen in love with her.
That being said, to give this girl the best chance in her new home, I want to know the most I can about her breed makeup. This website has already been very informative on Corgi behavior and needs. If I can identify her other genetic contributions, maybe I can know how to even better serve her.
Please provide some suggestions. What do you think her breed hybrid is?