Okay, so today I took Fergie to her first vet visit.  She is not due for another vaccination until next week, but I wanted to have at least one positive vet visit under her belt.  Well - the best laid plans......  When the vet went to exam her teeth - Fergie got snippy with her.  The attending vet - who is not the vet we have been using for the last 9 years, i.e. usual vet - had Fergie in a alpha dog roll/sleeper hold so fast it would raise Caesar Millans eyebrows.  She looked at her wrist watch and held her there until Fergie laid down submissively, and then proceeded to tell me what a strong willed dog I had on my hands and that we were in need of immediate training.

Now - I know biting should not be tolerated.  We have three young children who have been instructed to not tolerate it (which was pointless because they are drama queens and Fergie gets the point when she nips because they scream wildly and just about dial 911;)), My husband and I do the loud ouch, say no, stop play/affection and redirect with chew toy.  This plan worked with our 9 year old corgi and Fergie in comparison is really quite obedient for a 10 week pup.

Am I being naive in thinking that Fergie is not the first dog to not enjoy her teeth being examined, and that this is an area as an owner I need to work with her on, but maybe not not put her on the "aggressive list" just yet.

Just wondering what others think.  I would love your input.

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Gibson used to get snippy w/the vet when he was that young, to the point where the vet said it was a problem and he needed to be put in obedience immediately! I think it is just because they are not used to being touched in certain areas yet.. She's just a puppy. Practice w/her at home by opening her mouth, rubbing her ears and massaging her feet... Eventually, she'll think nothing of it!
Oh, my word. I agree with everyone here. Joel Michael Evans, one of the Monks who used to advocate alpha rolls even himself said he was sorry he ever came up with the method or told anyone about it because it doesn't work!

You have a pup that needs to get out a LOT. Most pups get out very little because people are worried about their vaccinations. I take my everywhere with me. I breed for calm and easy going temperaments and then socialize every day. 2 of my 6 month old pups (now) just got back from a 17 day road trip to Colorado, they are absolutely amazing! I can't say enough good about early socializing, get out there and do it! One new person and one new situation a day at the minimum!

Oh, forgot to say, my vet used to be this way about corgis until he met mine. They have no problems with any of them. All 14 of them.....

Good luck!
I would have marched my dog right out of there and never looked back if someone touched my puppy like that without permission. A 10 week old puppy is probably going to be terrified of being at the vet to begin with (even my almost 2 year old hates being put up on the exam table), but to put it in an alpha roll is such an archaic and brutal way of handling it.
oh my goodness! You need to tell the owner of the practice (main vet/usual vet) what is going on. That is not acceptable behavior from a vet.
Thank you! Glad to see someone else is up this early on a Sunday morn. Happy Valentines Day!
I think you're right about discussing this into the ground lol. I can give you some opinions and advice on what may help and do with them however you may. My first corgi, Pooh, let me do whatever I pleased with him. I could brush his teeth, he would lay down in between my legs to let me clip his nails with no problems at all. It's all about doing this all while they are puppies to get them used to things. It may be some work at first but once they get into routine, they are normally okay. I don't know about everyone else but I am all about socializing. 1 because I took Pooh and take Copper EVERYWHERE with me. They have to be well behaved. My mom has a lot of animals, so I am lucky there. Pooh has been gone for a year and her animals still look for him when I come over. With both of them, I have started early on teaching them these things and treating and positive feedback like YAYYYYY!!!! GOOD BOY!!!! (baby talk) lol and giving lots of cookies. You know how corgis love their cookies. lol with the nails, the first time I ever did copper's, he was sleeping and while I was doing them I was just talking real sweet and got him some cookies. The second time, I had my boyfriend help me by rubbing his belly while Copper laid in between my legs on his back. This way, he gets used to someone besides just me, being there. I may only be 21 but I've had animals since I was born.We were always German Shepherd people and if you can train them and get them to hold still, corgis are cake. I hope some of this helped. If I can help you with anything else, just let me know. Oh, and one more thing I've found. The more excited you are about something, they will follow. If you seem nervous, they can feel that. If you're excited and happy and baby talking them, they are normally more submissive and calm too! lol good luck.
Thank you, great advice. And Pooh is a great name for a Corgi - he sounds like he was a sweetie. I definitely agree with the whole light hearted approach in examining Fergie. I need to just forget about the grim vet visit, and have fun with my pup - which was my plan from the beginning. I so over analyzed and obsessed with Minnie when she was a puppy. I really thought after raising 1 corgi,giving birth to three daughters, and rehabilitating a clueless husband, I would not be sweating the small stuff. But apparently old habits die hard. Thanks again for the positive response.
lol. Don't beat yourself up! You're just a protective mama! lol I'm the same way. I have gotten in very heated arguments and threw a bottle of cleaner at my boyfriend's friend one time, missed his head by a half an inch. lol He got Pooh drunk and I got home from work and Pooh was so drunk he was just peeing laying down! It was so sad! I thought I was gonna kill him.(my bf's friend) Me and my boyfriend get in fights all the time over Cop because he gets too impatient and yells at him for stupid stuff like licking his toes. (I taught him that... te he) In the end they are just like kids and they should be protected. I think you are doing well
I would not go back to that vet!! You were trying to have a positive vet experience and the vet wasn't any help! I just took our 2 1/2 year old rescue Friday to the vet for a visit, and we just let her smell around the office and pet her and try to give her treats. No charge! They also want her to have a good experience going to the vet. Ten weeks old I think is too young to label the pup anything, but baby!


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