Another post got me thinking about DIY dog items. I've found that 90% of the items sold at Petsmart are terribly overpriced and can be either made for much cheaper, or purchased elsewhere (in whole or in part) and cobbled together, again for much cheaper. It's not so much that I'm handy, or really into DIY stuff, but I'm cheap, cheaper than Scrooge, and can't stand to spend money on something that can be made easily for less.


Most recently we've made the following items for Casey:


A leash (we needed a longer one for training) - simply take a piece of nylon rope, and sew on a loop at one end and a small metal hook purchased from Home Depot for $2 at the other.


A fabric treat bag with draw-string top - Used some left over fabric, sewed a 1/2 inch space around the top of a rectangular piece of fabric and then sewed it into a bag (sewed three of the 4 sides together, leaving the draw-string portion the open end) and then inserted some string.


Crate bed - We had some old Ikea curtains that we weren't using anymore, so they were transformed into her crate bed.


Multiple toys made from various household objects/garbage/etc.


Treats - As a vegetarian, I never realized how cheap liver is! Several pounds of liver only cost a few dollars - boiled, cut into small training pieces and then the moisture baked off in the oven. I even keep the water the liver was boiled in (wait until it cools down and then funnel it into an empty pop/juice/milk jug). I sprinkle the water over her dried dog food sometimes when I want to add the delicious flavor of liver without giving her too much of a good thing (and causing bowel problems, lol).


A Doggy Ramp - Our deck was slightly too high for her to safely jump off/on (but not high enough to warrant stairs for people) so we made a wooden ramp out of some left-over wood from our fence. Just a triangular frame with cut up pieces of 4x4, then lay a wider piece of plywood on top, add some smaller cut up pieces for their footing (we also added some sand-paper type tape to ensure secure footing)


What have you built/made/cobbled for your pups? And as a secondary, more specific question: has anyone ever built agility equipment for their dogs?

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Gail, the agility equipment is actually quite easy to make and what I have for Gromit maybe doesn't look quite as snazzy up close. :-) I used only basic tools and a good coat of house paint hides a multitude of sins.

I note on your page that you have arthritis (my wife does also) so I know for you using tools is pretty much out but perhaps you could bribe your hubby? Basic tools and a little creativity are all that is required.
I made squeaky toys for Gibson out of old socks and squeakers he rips out of toys:
Mr. Sock Ball

And I tie old tank tops and shirts in knots and use them as tug toys :)
Adora loves pop bottles, of all sizes. First she trys to take of the lid, then she bites it till it is a flat pancake, which is a challange becuase being round it naturaly like to role away. One pop bottle lasts about a week, and she will play with it all day sometimes. She plays with them more than her store bought toys which is why she still has all the ones we got from family for christmas (which is when we got her).
Does the pop bottle break or tear into pieces at all? I would be afraid of Casey eating it...she's liable to put pretty much anything in her mouth that fits and swallow!
Colbie does the same thing! She loves water bottles among all her toys. She will chew through the cap and flatten the whole bottle down eventually. She does love throwing it in the air and watching it tumble and roll on hard surfaces.
Halloween costumes. The trick is to simply suggest what your dog is trying to be. The pirate is a black triangular cloth, tied on like a bandanna. I cut out a skull and cross bones from white felt and glued them on. (The only problem was that the beagle kept insisting he was poisonous when he was wearing it.) The clown is just a ruff of different colored fabric scraps. Not only are these cheap, but the dogs will wear them.

Any suggestions on how to do a fairy?
Great Thread!

I saw someone on youtube do this so i am not in any way taking credit for this personally.

Pop Bottle Herding toy w/reward

What she did:
- Take an empty 2 litter soda bottle
- removed all the plastic wrapping, labels and caps.
- next cut a tiny treat sized hole on whatever shape you would like weather square or Circle but only large enough to fit 1 or 2 treats.
- Insert x amount of treats into the plastic bottle via cut hole
- Let your dog play with it as the dog rolls the bottle, the treats fly out of the small cut hole which rewards him for moving the bottle around the room.



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