Does anyone have photos or anatomical drawings of a corgi skeletal or muscular system?  I searched Google and came up short.  I figured all ye breeders probably have books that detail corgi anatomy in some way. 
This probably seems like an odd request because, well, it is. I'm just interested in seeing how a dwarfed skeleton/muscle system compares to a nondwarfed system for art purposes.  


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how interesting! now i know why ella likes her shoulders rubbed, everything is cramped in there.
I found this one, but was hoping for a more official skeleton! :3 Thanks much, though.

Though on second view, I see there is a plate on the back of its neck that I did not notice before... I wonder what that's for. Or is it just a fused vertebra...
Search on things like "mink" or "comparative anatomy". Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates classes (at least used to) use mink carcasses from mink farms. Weasels, not canines, but the basic skeleton and musculature can't be that different.
I happen to have a perfect fox skull (also a fox pelt, roadkill). Interesting to contemplate. Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well...
Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out!

...And upon checking it out, they're surprisingly very different (at least compared to the drawing Sam posted above). Their legs are short and they have long bodies, but that's where the buck stops. If mustelids became low riders out of dwarfism, none of it shows anymore--assuming those stocky, gnarly leg bones are hallmarks of a dwarfed critter--and looking at dwarf human skeletons, I think that may be the case. It's weird that humans get so deformed with dwarfism (change in skull structure, bulkiness of most/all bones, etc) but corgis just got short.

Also: I'm sure that fox was a fellow of infinite jest and of most excellent fancy. (I played Hamlet senior year of high school!)
When I read that you "came up short" I had to giggle. Was your pun intended? LOL.
Cool skeletal drawing, Sam!
Actually, it wasn't. In fact, I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out. lol.
Interesting....I was looking around for a little bit about this and it kept giving me bull terrier skeletons lol. So if you ever need a picture of a bull terrier skeleton, just type in corgi I guess
I got bored one day and looked up skulls of different breeds of dogs. The bull terrier is one example of an extreme skull formation and it's neat to see. Boston terriers are another breed with a fun skull. :0 Also, it's weird that terrier skeletons show up when you're looking for corgis. -scratches head-


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