I knew that as soon as I was able to have a dog I wanted a corgi. I never saw one in real life until I got mine. I always thought they looked adorable on video and pictures. I just had to have one. When it came time to get one I was the last one who picked form the litter. At this point the mom was playing in the yard and I could see her way off in the distance. I picked up my little Einy and went on my way. Still to this day he is the only real life corgi I have seen. Am I the only one?
I have seen mixes where people claim there is a little corgi in there, but it doesn't look like it at all.
There have been lots of people that pet him on the street and talk about how they used to have a corgi. I am in a very corgi less area and all the meet ups are at least fifty+ miles away. Does anyone else live anywhere near Alfred, New York. I would love to meet another corgi and so would Einy.

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Oh yes. And I have had Einy for three years. In case anyone wanted to know.
I am also in a corgi-less area! I am also three hours away from you, too. If I ever road trip that way, I would love for you to meet Copper. I have only ever seen a corgi butt in real life other than Copper and Pooh lol. My aunt's neighbors have two corgi's I hear but I have only seen one walking into the garage from far away and all I could tell was that he or she was a little over weight. I thought I was the only one who had never seen another corgi besides the two I have owned. I had Pooh and now I have Copper. Other than that, no one else has any around where I live. 99% of the time, no one even knows what kind of dog Copper is but I kind of like having a dog that no one else has.
People rarely know what kind of dog my corgi is as well. The other day someone thought he was an overweight chihuahua!
You could ask Joanna and Rainy...I don't know exactly where they live in NY!
I never saw corgis til I met my fiancé's dad and found out he was a breeder. We saw moose and it was like instant love. Everywhere we go we get compliments on him and how pretty he is. I'm from pittsburgh pa.
I see Pembrokes in my area all the time, but I had only ever seen one Cardigan in person before I got Frosty. If you'd like to see a lot of real corgis, you could always go to a local dog show. There are usually a couple corgis at least in most areas and those corgi owners may know of any corgi meets/groups etc in your area.
In my opinion, there's a whole underground Corgi society. I live in NW CT, and don't often see others -- but when we're out, people will come up to us and say, "oh, my mother/cousins/in-laws/friends have Corgis" or they'll actually whisper, "I have one at home, too." ha! And a lot of people ask me if Bertie is a shepherd mix (the tri-color throws them off). No one asks that about Ethel, they can tell at a glance she is a Princess who does not like to have her name bandied about. Unless you give her a cookie first. And once, I was at the dog park, and a woman drove up, opened the back door, and it was like a clown car of Corgis! They kept coming and coming. She'd bought a boy and then a girl, and puppies ensued, and she couldn't bear to sell them, so she had the whole clan. It was pretty funny, althought I don't think her husband was all that amused.
I never met a corgi in real life till we got Roxi... strangely two years later it was like they came out of the wood works. (I call it the cult). We then met one of our best friends (I'm her bridesmaid!) who also had corgis!

Moving to VA we meet them now and then but its rare.. if you go to meet ups like I said its like they come out of the woodwork's lol. You wonder how so many corgi ppl live in the area and you NEVER see them.

If you own one.. they will come....
You live about 2 1/2 hours from me. I live just NE of Buffalo NY. We have a whole bunch of corgis here, although I never saw one for most of Algy's life. He was probably about 7 years old or so before other corgis started moving in around town, and we had him for 12 years. Just in my town of Clarence/Clarence Center, there are 6 corgis who all live within about 2 miles of each other, inlcuding Rainy. They are all red and white corgis though. And one young fluffy. Algy was the only tri color, blackheaded to boot, and slightly larger than the rest. Rainy fits in nicely now. It took a lot of strange encounters of stopping the car and shouting out the window to meet these new corgis while they were on walks with their people. But we have also made new friends that way too!

I have found a few others around the Buffalo area thanks to MyCorgi. It's great to see other corgis out there! So I know how you feel, to a point. You'll just have to be the best corgi ambassador in your neighborhood!

I want to say there used to be a corgi meetup in/around Rochester, but they stopped and the rumor was that the woman who used to sponser it couldn't continue for health reasons. There are no other corgi meet-ups around the area, but someday we hope to have a corgi parade. Don't give up hope! We love to take drives. Maybe our travels will take us to Alfred!
I'd never seen a Corgi until My daughter got one and I instantly fell in love. She now has two and I have my own baby girl Penny. I've since seen a few around town but not often. (I live in MN)


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