Okay this is most likely me being super paranoid but I figured I'd ask, just in case. So Orion's right ear started coming up about a week ago then two days ago it began to droop. His left ear has yet to do anything. He's 10 weeks old and my worry is that rather than drooping back down the way it came up, it's flopping to the side. I know corgi ears are up and down all over the place but for some reason I'm afraid it being drooped over like that will cause the cartilage to form that way and make him have a funny ear-crease. When he lays on his back his super-floppy left ear lays down into what adult corgi ears look like but the right one lays down and still has that crease. When should I worry about taping? Fourteen weeks? I'll still love my Orion even with screwy ears but perky ears are one of my favorite corgi physical quality so I'd like him to have them if I can do something about it.