Over the past few days Triley has developed a number of bumps/clumps on his skin. They are almost like scabs but there is no blood, just dried skin and hair. I've picked some off him (he doesn't seem to mind) and it is just a clump of dead skin and hair - with some tender skin left behind. I've never had a breed that sheds and I am wondering if this is just some strange (and obvious?) part of the shedding process (a blow coat?) or if he managed to pick up some skin issue at doggie day care? Help!

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This is not normal shedding. It sounds as if he may have some sort of skin irritation/infection going on. I would suggest a trip to your vet.
I agree with Sam. That does not sound normal at all. The vet will probably want to do a skin scraping to make a diagnosis. Keep us posted!
We are taking him to the vet tomorrow. My poor little guy! =-(
Timmy had bumps like that after he was at the groomers. Discovered that they were from the shampoo brush the groomer used to distribute the soap through his skin. Guess he has thinner skin than some others. The brush would make small areas of irritation/redness and then these little clear scabs would form. Happened within two to three days afterwards.

Had you given Triley a bath or trip to the groomer a couple of days prior to noticing the bumps??
Hi Everybody!

Thanks to everyone for your help. It turns out Triley has some sort of skin infection that will clear up with some antibotics. He was just at the PetHotel at PetsMart and they bathed him there, but the Vet says sometimes dogs just get skin infections (esp younger ones) and we can't really pinpoint the cause. Anyway, his new meds make him a little nauseous, so he spent most of the evening curled up in my lap and clearly under the weather, but he was back to his old self this morning. Hopefully we've cleared this hurdle! Thanks again!
Thanks for the update Nancy! Sounds like Triley will be back to his normal, healthy self in no time. That's good news! : - )
hmm, neeka had a couple on her back when she was a puppy i just picked them off and thought nothing of it...it was right when the seasons changed...i never took her to the vet and she hasn't had the little dry skin patch since. i wonder if they can clear up on their own?
The first time he had this problem the antibiotics they gave him at the vet made him so nauseous that he stopped eating after a few days, so the next time I asked for a less invasive solution. They ended up shaving the area and giving us some topical creams to apply. The problem did clear up, with the creams and with time, so yes, I think it can clear up on its own.

We figured out that the problem was the baths at PetsMart - the shampoo was too harsh and since they didn't dry him his skin stayed wet (darn this humid climate!) and that is what caused the infection. We only bathe him at home now and use the blow dryer to make sure he is totally dry, and we haven't had any problems since...
Wow my dog scooter had the same exact problem i know what your talking about i just took the clumps off and they haven't came back but I'm really wondering what that is also.
Rusty is having a real skin problem. Skin flaking and red spots. I blamed it on flea bites and medication. Just read on a web site about Advantage turning a black Lab's hair silver. Now I wonder about that. Rusty was on Advantage for a while (Pembroke Welsh Corgi) the hair on his head and face are turning white. I thought he was premature gray.

any thoughts about this.
Molly is having the same problem on her stomach---it starts up on her chest and ends down near her thighs...they are spots of dried blood, and don't seem to bother her when i try to clean them off. i've been using a flea/tick shampoo on her, and i'm beginning to think that is causing the skin irritation.


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