* you carry a furminator in the car...


* you have any item of clothing that has on it the words "bunny butt"...


* pet hair is considered a condiment at your house...


* you put your friends in the following categories: red and white, sable, tricolored....




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Yess! Any time I am mentioning my dogs for whatever reason I immediately get out my phone and flip through the album of pictures I have that started from when Orion was 2 days old
* All you really care about is getting home to your corgi's.
* Only thing to cheer you up after a long days work is your corgi's
* You have the urge to buy anything and everything that has a corgi picture on it
* All you fridge magents have corgi's on it, (well eccept the magnet with the vet information)
* You have a clock with corgi's on it
* You have more treats for your corgi's than you have junk food or treat for your self in you fridge and cubbord.
* When you can't just have one
* When you love tell everyone everything you know about corgi's
* When your useto eating fur as a topping on any meal
Got all but the clock! One more:
* Take mostly "staycations" to be able to spend more time with your corgwyn
your hoping the new dog on the block you see walking is a corgi. :) Rushing over to talk to the neighbor across the street to see if they saw what I saw, and finding out it was a mini sheltie. From far away did look like it could have been a corgi. Ohhh to get your hopes up so high and then to be let down. :( hehe
hahahaha yes! :D
When you're about to go to sleep and see corgis all over your bed and rather than moving them you strategically squeeze in so you won't disturb them
When your bed just ain't the same without your darling corgis on it.
you do this too??? : )
you plant half a garden of green beans for your dog (and allow him to "pick" a few each day)
Your facebook friend recommendation look like this

Love it!!! : )
hahahaha this is amazing XD


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