I just received the most heartbreaking news today. My little 1 year 6 month old corgi has joint disease. She goes back in to the vet on Monday for extensive xrays to determine the extent of the damage. Surgery may be in her future, and at the very least my vet said she'll likely be on permanent medication. In the meantime I can't help but wonder how this happened. We got her from a reputable breeder of champion agility dogs. True, this was the 'runt' of the litter, and she is tiny (17 pounds) for a Corgi. But otherwise she's been healthy.

What I want to know is, what should I expect from here on out? What can I do to improve her quality of life? I'd love to hear from other owners who have had similar experiences. I want my little girl to be happy, healthy, and comfortable. She loves to run and play, and I hate seeing her mope around like this.

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Hi Katie, i'm sorry to hear that :( genetic is a very interesting thing, sometimes things like these can jump a generation. From now on the only that that you can do to improve her quality of life is keep on loving her just the way she is. I don't think she knows that she has any disease, I have seen corgis just happy, sweet and loving regardless of their disability (tripod or had to use a cart) Do you know what type of medication will she be needing?
The vet has started her on both Rimadyl and Tramadol. I believe the first is for the joint inflammation and the second is for the pain. My vet's practice also offers acupuncture as an alternative treatment, so I may pursue that as well. Anything to make River (my corgi) feel better.
Sorry to hear the news about "Katie" (not sure if your name is Katie or the dogs name). First, have you contacted the breeder regarding her condition? Sometimes they will be your number one source of help. Second, what kind of joint disease? There are several kinds and each kind has a different prognosis and treatment regime. Perhaps then some of us could help you with ideas and advice. What did the vet say regarding prognosis?

Sylvia and Timmy
My dog's name is River, and I'm going to be contacting the breeder on Monday after the testing is done. All I know right now is that it's some type of joint disease. I'm afraid I won't know more until after she undergoes anesthesia and has good, clear xrays taken. So for right now, the prognosis is unclear. My vet is hopeful that she'll only need medication. However this has progressed very rapidly, and I'm not optimistic. This started as a slight, periodic limp in her right front leg over the Christmas holidays. She now has a pronounced limp, and the problem has spread to her back left leg as well. She keeps her weight off both as much as possible when standing still to eat or drink, and the vet commented on noticeable stiffness in the muscles of said legs. If it was still just the one leg, I wouldn't be quite as concerned. But with front and back legs causing her pain, I'm getting quite worried.
Sorry about that! :( I found out that Einstein has minor hip displaysia recently and he's only 2 yrs. old. He was really stiff in the mornings and on cold days, especially trying to get up after sleeping. One time he got up and fell right back down so I knew something was wrong. He would limp a lot. I took him to the vet and got x-rays and they said his hip bones were just slightly out of socket and it's progressive. Not good. Right now what I have him on which REALLY helps (no more limping) is the Petco brand called Joint Care 1 for dogs. I give him half in the morning with food and half at night. I gave him another brand from PetSmart before called Mobility Plus or something and it gave him bloody diarreah so I recommend steering clear of that. Glucosamine is what really helps. And you can get dog food with Glucosamine added like the Nutro Max brand-it'll say it on the bag if it's in there. But he's improved dramatically with just that so before buying all the expensive vet meds try that first-it may work.
Thanks, Amanda! Einstein's problems sound a lot like River's: she is also worst after sleeping and during the cold weather. I'll definitely try that Joint Care 1. The vet meds are quite expensive, and my girl hates taking them. Powders or oils I can mix in with her food would be better for both of us. Best of luck with Ein's hips! And thanks again for the advise.
I know what you mean about the presciption costs. For only 5 days worth of Rimadyll it was $12.50. Add that up over a lifetime and holy moly that's a lot of cash. I just feel that if the store brand stuff works why pay all that money. There may come a time when he needs stronger meds but until then all that matters is that he's comfortable. And so far it's working, thank God!! He could lose a couple pounds and take some of that pressure off his hips too. We're getting there! :)
Katie, I can also recommend a product made by HALO, called "Hip, Hip Hooray.". HALO makes holistic and natural products and food for animals. It is a powder, dosage is 1tsp per 50 pounds once a day. I use 1/2 tsp, because I'm only doing a preventative dosage for Timmy, since he's very active and runs a lot every day. It contains Glucosamine, Chrondroitin, & Vitamin C. Cost is approx $18.00 for an almost 4 month supply at the dosage I use, which with River's weight of less than 25 lbs, you could use the same dose therapeutically.

The breeder should be able to advise you as well regarding potential supplements. It would be wise to wait and see what the final diagnosis is though.

Again, that so sad to have a hurting corgi......., give her some hugs from us. You must be as much or more miserable than she is.

I am so sorry to hear this, just keep loving Katie like you have been. ((BIG HUGS))!!!
Geez, I hate hearing of all these back and joint problems. I am currently dealing with my 7 year old big boy. About a year ago, he tore his ACL in his right hind leg. Surgery was not an option, due to a blood problem he had when younger. He did OK with Tramadol and rest. Well, he reinjured it last week chasing geese. He slipped on the mud. He was almost entirely lame for 2 days. I have been carrying him in and out of the house. I restarted him on the Tramadol, and aspriin. As of today, he's doing better. He was able to walk a half a block tonight, but I still have to pick him up to get in the house. I think I will try the HALO powder also. I agree, it's hard to take care of a sick pet. Hang in there!!
Hi Katie - so sorry to hear about your pup. My five year old just got diagnosed as "lame" ivdd (disc disease" and arthritis, these are all due to a dog attack a year ago. Kai is doing very good now - I have him on rimadyl, like you - but 1/2 pill only when he's in pain, he's on glucosamine (from the vet) daily, salmon oil (in his food) and we are going to the chiropractor to help with the spine. I also keep him moving, he has his own toys - but he doesn;t move as much as my younger dog,and I monitor how my crazy younger dog plays with him, as well as there are some days when he just hangs by the door. The best advice I got for my boy - is exactly what Sylvia said - contact your breeder. I first contacted mine and she has been most helpful. Most people here are extremely helpful, as well and can give you great tips and support, too. Having a lower weighted dog will help with joint disease, too. Your girl will still be happy, and healthy -she just gets a little more loving - and she'll enjoy every minute of it! good luck!

Hi Patti,  My name is Erika and I have a 4.5yr old Corgi, Ein.  He is having some major joint/bone problems that seem to be progressing rapidly.  We have been to 2 vets and they both say it's DJD.  I am taking him to a 3rd vet/specialist this week.  I found your post interesting because you mentioned your dog was attacked.  What exactly happened and why would this lead to ivdd & arthritis?  What is ivdd?  My corgi was also attacked about 1-2 months before he started to develop lameness in the front legs.  He had a puncture wound from another dog which healed fine.  Psychologically he has been different around other dogs but I didn't realize this could also be the reason for his joint problems.  Please tell me anything you know.  I'd greatly appreciate it.  All I want is for my little man to not be in pain and to walk & play normal again.  Thanks in advance.  Erika


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