Anyone catch the Nat Geo program Man Created Dogs?  It's a history of our shared evolution and how wolves and domesticated dogs are related, how breeds develop, etc.  So in the section on herding, a cattle working Corgi is highlighted and shown moving 1000 lb steers away from her master.  The narrator says something like: The Corgi is the perfect combination of speed, agility , intelligence and a massive amount of canine spirit." 


Great little spot on our wonderful Corgis...

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Yup :) You can catch it again this friday 9pm EST!
Thanks for posting when it will play again. I'm not sure about the intro and suppositions about ancient people and dogs but I really loved the little spot on that herding Corgi. It's worth watching.
THANK YOU! for posting this Sam. We missed it because of the move and didn't have our TV set up till yesterday. Yay! I'm so excited! :)
Ha-HA My friend called and left a message on my cell about this program and how nice it was to see a corgi herding!! He saw Jordan's grand failure at it in person....Gotta love friend's....He-He....
I am going to watch that!
Right here on MyCorgi you can see Scott Wiley's Corgi crew herding cattle up in Montana. Link.
Also a 2nd confirmed corgi "sighting" on Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion (the sound man does a corgi imitation).


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