I have noticed several comments regarding Corgi shedding and there is a solution besides brushing out the excess fur. When Winston joined our canine family of "four legged children with permanent fur coats" as my wife calls them, he left balls of hair all over the house. When we stroked him, fur literally flew. Winston no longer sheds to any significant degree thanks to a dietary supplement called LinatoneShed Relief. Winston gets a tablespoon of this tasty supplement every morning with breakfast and his shedding has all but ceased. We also give it to our Blue Heeler and she has also all but stopped shedding. We got our Shed Relief at PETCO, but it is probably available at any pet store. It is meat flavored, so dogs look at it as an added treat when it is poured over their regular food.

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There is still some shedding, despite the Shed Relief and it winds up in little "dust bunnies" thay we pick up and toss when we find them.
my mom used linatoen for years with all her dogs, but it was not 'shed relief'.. i'm gona give it a try, thanks!
As I said, it doesn't totally eliminate shedding, but greatly reduces it. We use on Winston and on Libby, our Blue Heeler. Lady, our Black Lab/bird dog mix hardly sheds at all because her coat is so dense and "tight."
I just picked up a bottle of this stuff. Linatone "shed relief" by Lambert Kay. Quaid sheds a TON! We give him one or two pretty good sessions w/ the furminator each week. That definitely helps out, but it still seems like we are living with a family of Wookies!! I called my vet this morning to ask what he thought about this stuff. He'd never heard of it, but didn't feel like it could be harmful. He explained to me, which I had kind of understood already, that these types of "anti-shedding" supplements generally work under the assumption that the dog isn't getting enough essential fatty acids. This can lead to problems with the dog's coat.The vet said that along with a consistent brushing regiment, the best way to minimize shedding is with a healthy diet. We switched to Blue Buffalo Wildnerness Salmon(which he loves btw) about a month or two ago and I feel like his diet is healthy/good. Quaid's coat has always been shiny and healthy, he just sheds sooooo much.....

Anyways, tomorrow morning we will start with the Linatone. I will update with the results whenever I see (or don't see) them.
Sir WIniston left a trail of fur everywhere he went. Hair balls all over the house. Rubbing him resulted in a handful of fur. Since we started the Linatone, his sheeding is dramatically reduced, but not eliminated. Same with Libby, our Blue Heeler. I give them each about a tablespoonful with breakfast. The label says it is "meat" flavored. I haven't sampled it, but they lap it up as if it were a treat. Wonder if it would help with human hair loss? ;-)
Thank you good information. I really don't mind the fur tumble weeds. I feel naked with out fur on my clothes! But I could live without Hoovering the house 3 times a week!
Our dogs aren't our whole lives, but they make our lives whole.n
You're right. The furballs don't matter at all.
A day without fur balls is a day without sunshine. My corgi Winston's favorite place is in my lap while I'm working at the computer. I'm a professional writer, so I spend a LOT of time on my computer.
Sooooo excited that we found a Petco this weekend so I could buy some of this. Hoping the fur starts disappearing soon. As soon as we picked it up, my husband started complaining that he wished it would work on our cats, because they shed worse than the dog. Well, what do you know, but I went to amazon.com today and they have Linatone Shed Relief for Cats too!!! So we have some of that coming in the mail. Hopefully the whole house will soon be furball free and then I can talk the old man into letting me get another corgi!!
Anybody have a guess on how many calories this might add to our dogs' diets? I know that with horses that need to add weight, corn or soy oil is often added to their feed. We've been on it about 3 weeks and I do see a decrease in shedding (it hasn't exactly stopped!) and I've been watching their weight. Any ideas?
There is no caloric count listed, but according to the label it is a vitamin supplement for skin and fur. Our Cardigan Welsh Corgi Winston hasn't put on any weight since we strated him on it with a tablespoon with his morning 1/2 pack of Purina Moist & Meaty. (He gets a can of Mighty Dog in the PM.)


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