I walk lilo everyday but i only walk quiet places because she is scared of big streets. Lilo is scared of buses, trucks, motorcycles, anything with loud noises. She tends to pull hard and it is just frustrating to see. I even sometimes just stand there and let her get used to it but she is just too scared and just keeps pulling.


Lilo never had a accident or any tragical experience. Any help will be appeciated. Thanks

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Hi Lily and Lilo, make sure you adjust the collar so that she does not slip out, 2 fingers rule should be good, if the cars / noise is on the left side, walk her on your right side, use a 6 ft regular nylon leash, you'll have more control and will not get rope burn. Have treats ready, when she is behaving well, reward her. That should do it :) Good luck!
When Soffie was a puppy she was startled by the air brake of an 18 wheeler. We were on a road trip and had stopped for a potty break. The dog walk area was right next to the big truck parking. She was unphased and happily romped around at the end of the retractable leash while the trucks came and went. But..... when we were walking back to the vehicle we got right beside one of the big trucks and the driver let off his air brake. Well...... she just about jumped out of her skin and took off running to our vehicle. We use a martingale collar with the retractable leashes so luckily she wasn't able to slip her collar or who knows where she would have ended up!!

After that incident it took a long time (at least a year and maybe longer) for her to get over that. In our neighborhood, if she heard a school bus or trash truck coming she would bolt. On road trips she wouldn't go near any areas that had the big trucks. We just continued to expose her to these things as they came up on normal walks. And as we encountered them we held her tight on her leash. We DIDN'T try to comfort her, and DID NOT say things like, "it's okay" "you're okay" "don't worry" "don't be afraid", because we didn't want her to think she was getting attention for that behavior. On the contrary we said NO and called her to the heel posistion and kept walking like it was no big deal.

Well, anyway it worked. It was a long process. But gradually and over time she has gone back to the uneffected little corgi she was before the air brake incident.

Give Lilo time. Keep working with her. If I were you I would keep walking while exposing her, not just standing with her. That might be reinforcing her fear. She might be seeing your stopping as a sign of fear from you. She will take her queue from you. And if you just keep walking, eventually so will she.

Good Luck! : )
Hi Lily and Lilo! Rosie was kind of a fearful puppy on walks, but she's much braver now.
This article may help you, it sure helped me and Rosie! =)
We made a big mistake one year( first and last time) taking Gunny to our local St' Patty's Day parade. When the firetrucks let loose with their sirens and horns the poor little guy made a 360 and dragged my big burly husband back towards home. Now he listens with a worrisome look every time he hears a distant siren( and we live near a hospital)!!!We were dummies for taking him. Just look at those Corgi ears.. I'd bet that.they hear everything magnified many times what we do.
I think that the National Weather Servcice should employ Corgis to predict coming storms.! He hears the thunder way before we do!
Madoc HATES the neighborhood motorcycle guy. I think he notices it much more now that the weather is cooler and the house open and no air conditioning. It really bothers him when the guy revs up and goes by. There's a lot to be said for choosing the quieter streets for walks. I have to admit that I like them too as a pedestrian. I don't think it is a problem to select a calmer traffic venue.
for real, i have a lot of fast cars on my block. the ones with big mufflers and performance mods. they scare my lilo a lot and when theres a thunder my lilo hides under the table. thanks for sharing, i think i really want to lilo to get this fear out of the way
Hey Lilo and Lily, I have a 3 year old female that used to pull when big trucks passed by on our walks. I started by having her sit when I saw a truck approaching with my hand on her shoulder blades (lightly), praised and reward if she just sat, corrected with shushing noise when she pulled.Try to not be nervous or tense up as the truck approaches as our pups can feel the tension, keep it low key. Now, when a truck approaches I just tell her sit and she stays without pulling after it passes we continue on our walk.. It worked for us, so good luck to you.
thanks a lot for your suggestion. it is very help ful. I have a 2 yr old female. she is something. shes scared of cats, scared of roaches, all the animals.
Hey Lily, Duchess also has thunder issues (our house was hit twice by lightning with her at home). IF thunder during the day we just ignore the sounds and start some kind of play activiity in the house with her to distract her or give her a kong toy with a treat inside. If thunderstorm at night, we put her kennel in our room (she normally just sleeps on our bed) but if we kennel her in the room she instantly relaxes cause she doesn't have to "protect" us from the scary sounds when she is in her safe little den. Again these are things that helped us so I hope it helps out Lilo a little bit, we corgi Mom's hate to see our fur kids scared or anxious.


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