hey, does anyone know how to get those stains from dog tags off of kirby's neck??? i have tried shampooing him but that does not get it out :/  he is an excape artist, so he pretty much always has his collar and tags on

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Hi Amberlie, go to walmart and get a box of plain baking soda by arm and hammer, 1 table spood + a little water to make it into a "goop", lather it and let it sit for a few minutes, rinse and it should come right out.

As far as the tag goes, get a bottle of cheap clear nail polish, paint the dog tag with it, let it dry and now it's stain proof.
I did the nail polish trick on Ella's tags, no more black mark, it really works.
Thanks Sam!!! i will try that :)
What a good idea! Both my boys, but especialy Lucky have big stains
I figured out what the stains come from...it's the metal ring that attatches the tag to the collar! I now use stainless steel and no longer have this problem...just wish I could get the vet to get stainless steel rings...the tech looked at me like I was crazy! That is what it is!
Good to know...I have the same problem with Penny!
I use these "Quiet Spot" dog tag silencers
they are these little neoprene pouches that not only keep the tags from clanking together, they keep the dog stain-free :)
those are really cool, i guess i never thought about another dog hearing ella. i kinda like her jingle, it lets us know where she is in the house. she's like a ninja, and will sneak up behind us and trip us.
we use the quiet spot to keep the cats from freaking out :)
having already tripped over one corgi, I somehow don't think I should silence my ninja boys! I can see the handwriting on the wall. While the "silencers are cool, I think I need to know where they are! I will use the nail polish. I think Lucky could not hold up the stainless steel
Love the tag silencer. Just wish I could find a pink one! I see them on line, but if I pay $8 for an item, I don't want to pay $8 to ship it. Stores don't stock the pink for some reason. Her collar is pink, many collars are pink, so why not?
You could ask at the store if they could order a pink one for you...bet they will!


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