We were advised to feed Isabella 3/4 cup, twice a day (now a mix of Wellness Puppy and Blue Buffalo Adult Chicken).  When she is 5 months old she will get 3/4 cup, twice a day, of the Blue Buffalo Adult Chicken only, no more Wellness Puppy.  Then, at 8 months of age she will get 1/2 cup of food twice a day.  I figured she'd eat like a pig, but she doesn't at all!  I give her the food in the morning and she always has some left in the evening.  Again, in the evening she'll eat some but she ALWAYS has food left in her bowl.  How odd is that?

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I bet managing to devour 1/2 that bag of treats was paws down one of Edison's most memorable days!
We give Charlie three half cups a day and roxi half/a cup and /half throughout the day. Though they are both pretty active and they haven't seemed to be gaining. We cut charlie down though because he has been slowing down in playing and started gaining.

It depends on the activity that they have throughout the day on how much they eat. Sometimes they eat all their food. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes we give them extra if we go hiking and stuff hehe.
Lucky is skin and bones at 30#, he gets 3/4 cup morning and night and inhales! I don't think he chews one bite. Sonny was getting the same, and ballooned up to over 40#, we switched to lo cal food and he continued to gain. He also inhales, every time he comes inside he checks his bowl. He eats weeds, spent bird seed, anything he finds that he thinks might be food. Boy, I sure would like one that just picks at his food!
Corgis and food, lol. I even walk by the food area and Ella is right behind me, just in case.
Thanks to ALL! I should have said in my first post that we started out with what the breeder suggested (3/4 cup total per feeding), but when we ran out of the premixed bag of food she gave us, I just started feeding 1/4 cup of each food per feeding...She still wouldn't eat it all. Then, this morning she ate what was left from last night and then almost all of her 1/2 cup of morning food. Go figure! She was much more active last night and this morning so I think that helped!
Ella (age 2 yrs) gets 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup at dinner time, and it's gone. When she was just shy of a year old, she wouldn't eat all of her 1 1/2 cups. I bet she'd eat that much now without question. As long as your little one is eating and seems content, then she probably just isn't hungry.

is my post on it. You don't need to obsess about amounts; feed her as much as it takes to keep her thin and athletic, and feel free to switch her to adult food immediately.
Thanks for your article, Joanna. It was a good read in so many ways! I figured I'll use up the small bag of puppy food that I already have and then continue feeding just the adult food, anyway. While the breeder suggested 3/4 cup twice a day, she is doing fine with 1/2 cup twice a day. This morning, actually, she ate the whole amount at once. That's a first, but certainly not something that would make me feed her more...Thanks again.
Love the "Aladdin's magic lamp", just what mine do!! Our food is in the laundry room - try doing laundry with 2 corgis sitting there thinking they are going to be fed every time you go in there to do wash! I guess I should throw them in the laundry sink and wash them too. Freezer and 2d fridge also in there, so boy do I pass their food often. These boys think I spend my day teasing them. Corgis, gotta love the fact that they think and dream FOOD. Oh..and don't try spelling F-O-O-D mine know how to spell, and how to tell time as well.
Joanna, I've been thinking about this a bit more and have a question...Since we are already mixing the puppy food with the adult food (half and half) and the adult food that I'm feeding is what she'll stay on, can I just stop the puppy food and feed the whold amount of adult food, or should I still phase in to the whole amount being the adult food? I hope that question made sense! Thanks.

I don't ever phase in and phase out food - a dog only needs that if he or she has only ever eaten that one thing. I feed a raw diet, but even the times I've used kibble I switch it around and add other stuff and different flavors and brands. Dogs don't have sensitive tummies - in fact they're a heck of a lot more resilient than we are - but we can sometimes make it seem that way by restricting them to one single thing.

So my short answer is to go ahead and switch however you'd like, and do not be afraid to feed a variety of foods. She certainly does not need one brand she'll stay on for the rest of her life. She can eat sixteen brands, if you feel like it.
Thanks a bunch! So, that whole process of slowly introducing a new food is bunk? I mean, what if a dog eats the same thing for a year and then you want to change? From your perspective, you think switching over cold-turkey isn't a problem? I've always had it in my head that new foods should be phased in...Is this just one of those things (like most everyting else, ha ha) where there are many different schools of thought? I know with our German Shepherd my husband would switch around her food pretty often with no regard at all. I dunno, she was a major pooper no matter what so it really didn't seem to make a difference for the better or the worse! Again, I really appreciate your input. Very helpful!


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