Since I work at PetSmart and am a trainer, I have a unique interest in what foods people use for their dogs. One of my training modules is on canine nutrition and I'd love to hear what folks feed and why they chose the brand they use.

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My boys eat RAW, except when they get Evo Innova, as treats, and some times their meal.
We feed Aurora (and Raiden) Nutro Natural Choice dog food. I used to work at PetSmart as well a few years ago and learned a lot about dog food (even though I didn't have a dog or really care back then as I worked in the Aquatics Dept.). As I recall, "Blue" is actually one of the best dog foods you can buy, however, I shop at our local military base, so I buy the best dog food they have to offer, which is Nutro. Our dogs also enjoy many treats as I share just about everything I'm eating with the two of them. The only thing Aurora doesn't like (but will still eat if Raiden shows any interest in is lettuce. She plays with it for a long while before actually eating it. Raiden is the same way about bananas. They just like to keep it away from the other, but for the most part, they love anything we are eating so I share a taste. I don't feed them any raw meat, but an occasional raw egg yoke when I'm cooking and only need the whites. I'd worry about E. Coli myself though I don't know if dogs can get that or not. Also, avocados are great for their skin and coat!
Miles developed a very severe case of diarrhea and we couldn't figure out why. We finally thought that it might be the food he was eating. He had been eating the pedigree complete nutrition adult dog food. We decided to look for a food that was wheat free, corn free, soy free, and meat by product free. We found the Blue Seal brand of dog food and started giving him that instead. Almost immediately his bowel issues cleared up and he is once again having healthy poops. He does however have more gas haha.
I use Kibbles 'n' Bits Brushing Bites, because a) Cricket's breath was somewhat akin to a rotten fish in August and b) because she actually likes it. I tried Iams and also the Purina Indoor Dog formula, but she didn't like those too much, and that breath just got too bad :)
I fed my corgi Eagle Pack Holistic Select Duck and Oatmeal for almost two years and it is a very good food. A few months ago I put a deposit on a Shepherd puppy from Canada and the breeder told me that they feed ORIJEN and that the puppy would be started on that so I looked into it and since I could get it here I decided to try Mollie (my corgi) on the 6 Fresh Fish variety and she really loves it. The puppy is on there large breed puppy formula. It is a grain free food and I really like that because there really is no reason a dogs diet should be mostly grain. I also feed Mollie chicken necks when I can get them and also wings from time to time to help keep her teeth clean and she LOVEs them (I give them to her out in the yard). Mollie also loves pretty much any vegetable or fruit I give her, although she will only eat lettuce if it has something good on
Aren't chicken bones the ones you're not supposed to give dogs because they can splinter and puncture a dogs insides? Maybe the neck and wing bones are different?
Have you had trouble getting the Oriejin Fresh fish kind of kibble. I've looked online at a couple of stores and it says that its out of stock due to the winter fishing...

Where do you get your kibble from? I wanted to start my Pup on Orijen Fish but i can't find it anywhere!
I'm not sure where your located but I just picked some up at Louise's Pet Connection in Lake Mary. If you do manage to find it be prepaired it is stinky...must be why they love it so much.
Man.. There are no stores located near me i'm in CA. I have to order it online. I'm trying to find something my Pup will be more interested in. She seems to like Tuna that's what we use for her emergency recall, so i thought the fish food flavor would be ideal
I know the online store here said it was backordered until April sometime so if it is the same out by you that is only a couple weeks from now. Did you check on ORIJEN's website for a location near you that carries the food? They are at it looks like a lot of places in CA carry it. If your dog likes Tuna she should love this food it smells REALLY fishy.
Just an FYI. I saw a national news report about a month ago that the salmon didn't run this year and salmon fishers along the West Coast don't know why. They just said there is no salmon (only 25% of the normal population) this year and they don't know how they'll make a living.

Orijen's Fish formula uses salmon and salmon meal as the main ingredients. You may have difficulty with ongoing shortages this year.
Yeah that's why i figured that the Orijen was on back order. None of those stores are nearby! So that's a bummer for me, I can't really drive 10 hours to the nearest store LOL

I"m happy to report though that my Pup finally ate this morning. We've switched her to the EVO small bites kibble.


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