*Submission Closed*

Okay Folks, here are this year's submission rules:

1. ONE photo PER member
2. Dogs only
3. Horizontal photo
4. Jpg only *Minimum 2240 x 1792 pixel (4 mega pixel). 5MB Limit (UPDATE BELOW)
5. Deadline Oct 11th 2010

Photo tips:

  1. Check out last year's photos
  2. Have a month / season / theme in mind
  3. Photos must be sharply focus (eg: eyes)
  4. Keep a simple background, your dog will stand out more
  5. Make sure indoor photos are well lit
  6. Be creative
  7. Get your camera and treats ready, have fun!

100% profit goes to corgi rescue as always.

Information on voting results, pricing, shipping dates will be announced in the coming weeks.

Due to technical issues, our system will only accept jpg file under 2mb for now. All chosen semi-finalists must have original full size file for print. We are working to fix the file size limit back to 5mb. More updates later.

We've fixed the file size limit. All system GO!

As of 6:52pm EST, we've received 69 entries. Here's a peek at the competition. Remember the deadline is OCT 11th 2010

UPDATE OCT 9th 2010

We've got 119 entries so far, here's a partial list of cameras used this year.

UPDATE OCT 12th 2010

Photo submission closed. Voting begins OCT 17th - 24th 2010.

217 photos submitted.

UPDATE OCT 17th 2010

PICK YOUR TOP 5. Voting close on OCT 24th 11:59pm

20 semi-finalists, 13 slots.

UPDATE OCT 18th 2010

970 votes in just ONE day, details here.

UPDATE NOV 23rd 2010

On Sale NOW!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who submitted photos! The votes are in and here are the finals. Remember the whole purpose of this calendar is to fund raise for the rescues. Check out the good works of CorgiAid andOcean Dog Rescue, we've donated $500 each to their rescue efforts this year. We hope to help more rescues next year with your support! Happy Holidays!

Sam Tsang

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When it says, "Dogs only", does that mean humans can't be in the picture at all? Or can a portion (not faces) be in the picture? Like if my arm or hand is in the picture, is that ok?
I think partial body parts + doggy don't work well "most" of the time in Calendar prints. I'm sure there are exceptions tho :)
I'm getting the same error. My jpg file is 1.7mb and keep receiving the 413 too large error.
Sorry Brenda and Gary, the system is fixed now.
Thanks Sam. It finally worked, but the photo still had to be under 3MB before it was excepted. Wouldn't take my nice 3.8 mb had to resize down to 1.7mb.
Weird, I uploaded a 4.6mb this morning without hiccup, I'll have a word with our tech tomorrow. Thanks for the headsup.
I think mine went through...nothing stating an error!
Yay, it's calendar time!
My picture is 1.54MB but I got the 413 error too. Tried several times. I'll try again tomorrow.
It's all good Steve :)
Sam I'm not real great at this stuff, will we know if our picture was disqualified because of size etc.? Can't wait to order mine, great job and thanks to everyone who works so hard on this.
No problem, we'll let you know.
How do we submit a photo (4.72 MB) - the submission interface is rejecting and going to an error screen? Thanks for your help - we are excited about the 2011 Corgi Calendar!


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