spending a lot of time with teddy has made me realize how much he truly trusts me. i can do anything i want and as long as i tell him how good he is he dosnt mind a bit. the #1 thing he trusts me on for instance is clipping his nails. when he sees the clippers he lays on his side or in arthurs lap and lets me clip them(getting treats of course) he waits till im done and stays there even while i start using the pedi paws to file them down since the clippers make them a little sharp and uneven. he is totally relaxed and waits until i tell him "all done!" as a pup i have taught him to trust me in uncomfortable situations. when he was a pup he didnt like it but i actually made into a game, i made the clippers positive and fun so he saw it a toy with lots of praise and treats. everything i have taught him is fun and positive like the vets, kids(his favorite thing in the world!)and things like crowds,wheelchairs. now hes fearless and is happy to see those things and most of all he trusts me in any situation. if he does get unsure he will look at me and i tell him everything is ok and he acts friendly as always.

so what i wanna know how well does your fur kids trust u? 

share some stories/pics if u would like:)

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Trust? What does that mean? Is it trust that I am the only one who can take a bone away from Lilliput without a fuss? DH can do it, but she tries to run away first. Or that I'm the only one who can walk her on a leash? She is frightened of her leash, so once I get it on her, I keep it loose and she responds mostly to verbal commands, combined with short tugs to get her attention. No one else seems to understand what I mean when I say "don't pull on her leash." Is that trust, or understanding, or the fact that I trained her, and know what her quirks are so she is comfortable with me.

So is it trust, or understanding? I guess I trust her behaviors at times because I can read her, and anticipate her next move. Does she trust me for the same reason? Maybe she knows what I'm likely to do, also.
sorry if i confused u, i just merely meant as in in a situation that your dog "trusts" u to do it such as take the bone away, give a bath, letting kids pet them. like feeling comfortable in a different situations. is that a bit more clear??..
I've taken Waffle a lot of places, namely the beach and the mountains. (Lots of different beaches and lots of different mountains!) Even when we first got to those places, I took him off leash. This is a case of me trusting him. But, when things get scary or unsure, Waffle sticks close and listens to me immediately without hesitation, probably because he's in an unfamiliar place and trusts my judgments to protect him. Sometimes though, the things I ask him to do are too scary and he really hesitates to do them. At the Cascade Mountain here in Virginia, there's a large gap before the waterfall that can be easily crossed if you take the right path. I tried coercing Waffle over with treats, but he ran away and kept running. In the end we ended up carrying him over and he had a blast. He's crossed it without problems ever since. Another example of SO AFRAID and then doing it without problem was a small stream that had run dry. There was a log spanning the banks to walk across when the stream was wet. My boyfriend and I put treats on the log and ultimately ended up dragging him across. The next time we went to that trail, he was running back and forth across the log like no one's business. We were both so surprised! I guess the point of these two stories is that even though he's afraid to do something at first, if I show him it's okay, he'll do it the next time without problem. He's a very cautious dog sometimes, and he trusts me to protect him in those situations--even if I break that trust sometimes by dragging him across a log. I've noticed he's becoming less afraid and more confident when we come across obstacles in our paths. If I go down a weird rock, you can see him working up the courage to jump down or go a different way. I'm very glad that my dog trusts in my judgments-- especially in everyday situations. I see that it makes life a whole lot easier, now that I live with a dog who neither trusts nor respects her owner.
thank you for sharing:) for him over come the something even though he was scared is awesome. just going over the log for me would have been scary lol but after u showed him that he can trust u and is ok to cross means he really does trust u:) im glad that he has gotten confident in the challenges. and i bet the view is breath taking!
When Noodles was a puppy (about 8 months old), he was scared of another dog and ran straight to me. To this day, if he is afraid of anything (thunder, wind, etc.) he will stick like glue to me. He knows that I won't let anything hurt him, so I believe he trusts me that I will protect him. He always looks at me if he is unsure of something and I just smile and tell him it is okay. Not that he is hesitant of too many dogs, but if he is, I will approach the other dog first to let Noodles know that the dog is okay and then he will approach the dog. I also feel like Noodles needs to protect me as well. If my husband even goes to hug me, Noodles will sometimes get inbetween us to "protect me" from him. I just tell Noodles it is okay and then we include him in the hug (we call it family hug).
aww thats cute:) im sorry he had a bad experience as a pup but he knows that u are there to help him along. thats cute that he wants to protect to too. he really looks to u for guidance when he is in that uncomfortable situation or is unsure and it sounds to me u make him very comfortable and he then feels relaxed once he knows that u are there for him and wont let anything bad happen to him:) and noodles is a very cute name by the way lol :)
Chaun my husband teases me about being Loki’s protector. Because whenever Loki is afraid of something or Mika (our other dog) gets to rough when they are playing, or when my husband scolds, or pretends to scold Loki he runs and hides behind me. Then peeks out and barks. It is so funny. It’s like he is a toughie now that Mom is right there next to him. :-) But whenever Loki is afraid of something he turns to me or Chaun. Then he feels safe.
aw thats so cute!! i could just imagine him peeking behind u and him thinking "haha im invincible now that im with mommy!" lol its so cute how they dogs get scared and turn to us for back up:) thank you for sharing
Anytime Kota feels scared or isn't sure of something he runs to me for reassurance. I love it. He never runs off far whenever we go somewhere. He hardly ever lets me out of his site. I love him so much. I love that he always sticks like glue. <3
aww kota is so cute:) i love how corgis stick to u like glue, where ever u are they are not far behind lol


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