Just wondering if anyone could explain this. 


I came across a corgi for sale today (just browsing through numerous breeder's websites =D) and it was almost a year old.  Apparently, both ears had stood up fine but during a play session recently, something must have happened to the ear as it is now down and floppy and will not stand up... What has happened?  Is it permanent? 


I've never heard of something like this happening before...



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Without getting into an epic tale about my own dog, yes, I do believe the cartilage can be damaged in play, and yes, I do believe it can heal. The short story is that although I consider Dewi's left ear to be "up," it has a weak point in the cartilage that I believe is a combination of genetics and a play (frap) injury caused by his brother Jon (soon after we brought Dewi home). Anyway, sometimes we have days (like today) when this happens after a particularly strenuous run or play session.

However, with rest and sometimes a gentle ear massage, his ear eventually pops back up. (Look at my photos and you'll see what Dewi's ear looks like 97% of the time). If the dog you saw for sale's ear was once pricked, there is a chance (with rest, massage and even taping) that the cartilage will heal.
Walter has one ear that is half up. Some days are more so than others... when it is hot or after he has had a big play it is completely floppy! At first I struggled to come to terms with the floppy ear (why me?? why MY corgi?? :-P ) but after a while I found it completely adorable. It certainly moves alot and shows off some of his personality!

Sorry I dont know if the floppy ear is permanent, but I bet it is pretty cute! :)
Walter is pretty darn cute with the floppy ear. :)
I personally think that "floppy ear" is adorable. Our girl Luna's left ear was up and down for quite a while when she was very little, and we loved it. We were actually disappointed when it went up and stayed up for good.

I do not share the general prejuidice against "down" ears. In many cases it suits the corgi's personality and adds character!

Love it!
I once had a collie mix with that feature. Most adorable thing about him I'd say and it looks great on Walter too!
It is possible for the ears to be injured, although I don't think it's very common. Whether or not it's permanent really depends on the injury and the individual dog. Hematomas can cause a deformed ear too but I think that creates more of a "crumpled" looking ear, rather than a floppy one.
Thanks for clearing that up for me!
And bboth Dewi and Walter are very cute =D
one of my corgi's, Mia, had a floppy ear from playing too hard with her sister as a pup. I thought it was precious... it would stand half up when she was REALLY excited or happy :)
My Poppy has a floppy ear. Both ears stood up just fine until she was about 8 months old... then one day she had one ear up and the other was down. She will have both ears up from time to time... but 90% of the time her one ear is floppy. I think it is adorable. At first I was really upset... but if it doesn't bother her... it doesn't bother me!


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