So my daily routine is to wake up, go shower, get dressed and ready to leave, put lotion on, then take the dogs out to go potty. While I do all this the dogs are still passed out on my bed or on the floor of my room. I guess they have learned to associate lotion with going out because now when I pump the lotion bottle, the dogs will leap up and bolt to the door with waggy tails and smiles. I know its typically to see this behavior when you pick up leashes and things like that but its amusing to see it in response to me putting on lotion. Have your dogs learned to respond to weird things in your daily routine? 

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On work days I get up at 4:20am - go downstairs and get my coffee and go back up to bed, have coffee and journal or watch the news until 5:05am. Sophie sleeps with me - she lays in bed until I have had my coffee. When I say "are you ready to get up now" she jumps up - flys off the bed and we head on downstairs to start our day and head for the office. We leave work every day at 4:20pm - at 4:00 she is waiting by the front door and ready to head out for the car. I don't know how she knows it is 4:00 - but she does. We will see if the change in daylight savings time throws her off.
How did you get Sophie to not piddle everywhere in your house? I would love to have my corgi sleeping on my bed, but I don't see that happening.
Once Orion and Laika were crate trained to sleep through the night, at about 4 months old they started sleeping with me in the bed (not every night). Since they were used to sleeping the full night, they didn't get up so no accidents. Now at 8 months they sleep every night with me, even though I have to squirm around into weird positions so I don't disturb them sometimes, haha
If one of us stands near the door and they haven't been out recently they will both come up and start circling around us like sharks, both on the opposite sides of us. It is absolutly fall over laughing funny to watch.
I am happy for you! My 9 weeks old corgi, tries to hide any time he sees me with his collar and leash in my hand. I don't understand why, since every time I take him out, we have a great time!


He is only nine weeks old.  Molly, when she was a few months old, would still get really scared of the stairs.  I just would make it a game with her until she realized it was okay.  I would run down a few stairs and then look at her in a fashion that suggested I was having fun and daring her to run down a few stairs.  Eventually she realized that the stairs aren't going to do anything to her.  Maybe your baby just gets overwhelmed of the prospect of going outside and then realizes it's fun when he's out there.  He's just little... he'll grow out of it.  :)

Haha, when I moved into my new apartment Laika (about 4 or 5 months at the time) was terrified of the stairs! She'd never gone up or down stairs that had gaps between each step so I'd have to run up and down them with Orion until she got excited enough to follow us

lol  That's pretty much how I handled Molly.  Once she realized they weren't a threat, she was awesome with them!

While on my computer the dogs like to sleep on the floor by my feet. I can get up to grab something across the room or leave the room but they will stay in the office since they know I will be back. When I sleep my computer my speakers make this little click noise. Once the dogs hear that noise they jump up and are ready to go since they know that little click means I am done in the office.
Ein gets a dental treat every night before we go to bed. Around 8pm he yawns and throws himself in his bed, waits for a few minutes, comes back to me and repeats until he gets his bedtime bone. He knows when he sees his life jacket, that means we are going swimming and he gets excited.
Hi Monica,
Yes, my corgi Zeppelin can lie in bed with me for 12 hours if I am asleep for 12 hours. I never sleep more than 7-8. The moment I open my eyes Zeppy comes to me and starts to make his "special morning sounds". As long as I lie still he will continue to "talk" to me. The moment I stir in bed he begins to run back and forth in the room. Once I am out of bed her starts to bark and run for the door to go out. If I don't get out of bed he then brings me his ball and drops it on me so we can play catch for a while before he goes outside. I love this morning routine!! He also does his best to get to go with me when I or my boyfriend leave the house. We have trained him to sit about 10 feet from the door but as soon as we are out the door there is a barrage of loud sharp barks as if to say "hey you forgot me". He always has to have the last say in the matter.
Grover knows that when we are sitting down to eat dinner at the table it is crate time. When the plates hit the table, he runs for the crate. He also knows that if I'm leaving the house, there's a good chance he'll get a treat in his crate. We don't ever close his crate anymore, but he knows that's the treat place. If I grab my keys or my work bag, he's in that crate, sitting pretty, waiting for his treat!
We call him Grandma Grover, because at 10pm that dude runs to the bedroom every time either of us get up in the hopes that we are FINALLY going to bed!
Spoiled or trained...I'm just not sure which.


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