Luna got a birthday card from her VET.............

Drinking my coffee this fine freezing am, handing out meds to the other "stiff" one - Kai - in the house, and Luna my loverly little blue merle is feeling left out as usual. She's been being the Junior Nursemaid to Kai during this arthritis and rehab, but basically she's over it. She wants to play, she wants to be the center of attention,  she wants life back to LunaWorld! Well this morning she got it. Popped open the laptop, going thru the emails, and there's one from the vet - and it's not about Kai! that's good news right there! It's a "Sloppy Kiss Card" wishing Luna a Happy Birthday! It is the cutest thing I've ever seen. If Luna could have written the screenplay to this - she would have. Opens with a CORGI driving a red convertible down a palm tree lined road, while all the other poochies check her out......Now who does that sound like I ask you............Ends with a Happy B-Day message for you.  Their site has other Corgi E-Cards for anyone interested, but in the meantime, Happy Birthday to the Loverly Luna-Belle.  You are a Great Dog, Too....

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Happy Birthday, Luna! Very nice vet! What's the card website?
Thanks; added to my Favorites list!
Happy Birthday Luna! She is a memorable corgi with her funny markings!
Have a Great Birthday Luna!
Very cute story and the e-card Luna got sounds wonderful, I could picture it in my head. Happy Birthday Luna!!!


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