My friend's chihuahua has been sick lately~~ She's been vomiting and diarrhea~~any advice? Is it possible that she can catch a cold?~

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Yicks, sounds like it ate something it shouldn't have. With the vomiting, I'd get it to a vet ASAP.

"Common stomach irritants include spoiled food and garbage, stools, grass, plastic wrappings, hair, and bones. Certain drugs (notably aspirin, virtually all NSAIDs, cortisone, butazolidine, and some antibiotics) produce gastric irritation. Common poisons that may cause vomiting are antifreeze, fertilizers, plant toxins, and crabgrass killers. If poisoning is suspected, contact your veterinarian." from PetMD

does she have all her vaccines? One of the top breeds we see at the vet with parvo are chihuahuas followed closely by pitbulls. Make sure she is fully vaccinated, if not, she needs to be taken to the vet ASAP, chihuahuas don't have a very high survival rate for parvo.

If she is vaccinated, and is anything like my chihuahua, she probably ate something she shouldn't have. Mine is a little hoover vaccuum and we have been in to the vet on several occasions for vomiting and diarrhea, most of the time the vet will give them sub-q fluids to help keep them hydrated. They are so small they can go downhill REALLY fast. No reason to risk her health and possibly her life, she needs to be seen by a vet. Poor little girl. Try feeding boiled chicken breast and steamed white rice to help settle her tummy and get her to a vet tomorrow.

I see~She did vomited some white mucus-like earlier in the morning, and just vomited again some yellow stuff tonight!!!!!. She haven't eat all day!!!!!!!! But her stool don't have any blood in it.

she may be vomiting from excess stomach acids since she is hungry, try the boiled chicken and white rice, only a tiny bit, like 1 tablespoon and see if she holds it down. Also make sure she has vaccines. Blood in stool doesn't usually occure until at least a day or two into constant diarrhea, usually not on day one.

Best advice - call the vet!!  They can recommend treatments over the phone or let you know if she needs to be brought in ASAP.  Most vets I know do not charge to talk to you on the phone.

Has she not eaten because she's not hungry? Or because they haven't fed her? The white/yellow vomit sounds like she's throwing up because her stomach is empty.

If she won't eat, then I would take her to the vet, or at the very least call and get their opinion.

If she's still eating and drinking then I would boil her some chicken and rice, and give her that. Start with very small amounts throughout the day if she's keeping it down. I think you can also give her some vanilla pediasure to make sure she's staying hydrated if she doesn't seem to be drinking much.


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