I'm in downtown nearby wall st.  Zion has been adjusting very well.  He actually got a bigger space & the seaport is wide open for him.  Can locals advise me on the following?  I've been doing my own research, but first-hand info is the best:

1. How do you get your dogs around outside walking distance?  Dogs are not allowed in the train or taxi, basically Zion is grounded.  Well, dogs may be allowed in the train inside the pet carrier, but when Zion reaches adulthood, it'll be impossible.  Or is it?  I heard about the Pet taxi of sort somewhere..


2. Where is the nearest off-leash dog park?  I know Washington Square Park has one, but that's 2.5 miles away (see first question).


3. Cheapest dog overnight dog hotels?


Thank you! 

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Welcome to NYC :) I'm virtually in the same boat as you and would like info as well! Although I've lived here for a long time, I've never seen it from a dog's eye pt. of view until a few months ago.


Just doing a quick search, there is Fish Bridge Dog Park on the east side that's pretty close to Wall St. Wash. Sq. would be your next best bet. I love the downtown Hudson river area —but I believe it's not off-leash. It's a great walk for when the weather is warmer :).


Fish Bridge




List of Parks

http://www.nycgovparks.org/facilities/dogruns   (click on the Manhattan tab)


General NYC Pet-Friendly



The great thing about the city is that it is very walkable. As for transportation when Zion's fully-grown—I'm not sure if I see any other option than hoofing it or taking a pet taxi which looks sort of costly. (Actually, maybe it isn't since sometimes cab rides can cost up to $20 anyway!)


There are two groups I know of which may have more info and in turn, you can contribute to with your findings! :)




Enjoy NY :D

Hi Andrew,


1. There are several pet taxi service in town.Pet Taxi, Pet Chauffeur and Canine Cab Company. These guys are pros. You can ride the MTA if you have a carrier or bag.  You can also ride the ferry, but outside only - regardless of weather. The only dog that is allowed to ride the MTA and ferry freely are guide dogs, not even therapy dogs. (we found out the hard way).


2. The best and closest paying indoor place is FetchClub on 85 S st. HUGE. I was VERY impressed, check them out. Take William st, then liberty will take you straight to Battery Dog Park, about 15 mins walk.


3. When you live in Manhattan, you CAN afford dog hotels :) Considering the bed bugs infestation in the city + $35-$50 pet fees on top of your own hotel bill, it is totally worth it to board him with the FetchClub. 

Wow, Fetch Club looks great!
PetSmart has some pretty good prices for pet hotels. You can try them out and see if you like them


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