This morning after the kids get off to school, Im relaxing on the nice cozy couches.  Lance was relaxing until he spotted another dog outside, oh no, not a dog walking by his territory, lol.  So yes, he was a bit worked up, running around, barking, etc, etc.  He was looking out the window on his hind legs and the next thing I know he is up on the arm of the couch and in one single leap over to the other arm of the couch, to look out the window!!!!  :O  I so wish I would have caught that on video!!   If the gate wasn't in front of the couch he would have been walking along the ledge of the couch back and forth to each window. 

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lol that would have been a great video:)
it would have been!!  I've never seen him do that before it was a first and I kinda of hope a last!!!  I dont want him injuring himself :O
i would hate for him to hurt him self. i am glad u made a post to tell us what happened though, it made me smile:)
Im glad I made you smile, it made me smile, laugh and shake my head, lol.  Hes always been pretty agile even as a pup!  Such characters these corgis are.  I guess I was in shock when he did that casue I didnt expect him to do make a jump like that! I guess anything is possible when you get in a corgis way, when they really want something....hehe
Even a picture would be good!
yes I would love to have had a picture of that!!!  I guess cause the gate was there and he couldnt getup on the couch as usual, he came up with his own plan, he showed me!!!!
More important -- are you getting him a spandex outfit with cape and hood?  Faster than a grilling hotdog, able to leap high couches in a single bound....  it's SuperCorgi!  Now that's a picture I want to see, too.
I am thinking that is his halloween costume for this coming halloween lol


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