Hello everyone,

Thank you for thoughts and prayers about JD. But on a lighter note Camo and I are doing good, he is a chocolate lab mix and he is loving the attention that he is getting from mom. lol. But I am still wanting another Cardigan Corgi. If any of you hear of some one selling them around southeast Iowa please let me know, but my money is kinda tight right now as i cant afford more than $100 dog,


Thank You, and bless you all


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There is a person on this list in Iowa that breeds Cardis and does rescue also. She is over by Cedar Rapids, Foggy something kennels. Google Foggy kennels and you should find it. Her dogs are pricey but she might have a rescue or know of one.

Here's the scoop.  The average price on cardigan puppies in the midwest is between $600 and $1000.  Depends on the breeder, the breeding, etc.  Even rescues aren't "cheap".  On average, purebred rescues will charge $200 up to $300 or more for a rescue--that covers all the testing, shots, spay/neuter etc for a dog.  I like to think of it as you aren't paying for a rescue but your funds help cover the cost for the next dog so the rescue can keep doing rescues.  Kind of a pay it forward thing.

The other thing to think about is that many breeders have older dogs that they have retired from the show ring that are looking for great homes or have young dogs that they kept to see if they would mature into the show dog they wanted, that maybe just aren't what they want.  Many times they will place them at a lower cost or for the price of a spay/donation to a rescue.  Those dogs have all the puppy headaches out of the way, many have extensive training and are just about perfect.

And most breeders aren't making money with their puppies.  Far from it.  Health testing, training, showing, etc aren't cheap.  A good quality puppy has much more input into it then you can imagine and from a responsible and caring breeder, you get a lifetime lifeline for your dog.  They take it back without any questions should you not be able to keep it, they are just a phone call, email or even just a short drive away if you need help or have questions and concerns.  You join their family when you get one of their pups.  They aren't in it just to produce puppies, but are in it for the future of the breed.


Hi Sheila!  I live in southeast Iowa too!!  We got Frosty as a companion pet and he was over a year old, but still paid $450 for him.  I know its hard, but I would seriously recommend waiting to get a cardi until money is not tight.  I wanted a corgi for over 15 years, but waited all that time because I knew I couldn't afford it.  It made it that much more special when I finally did get Frosty because I knew it was something I had been working for for a long time.  Even if your new cardi was $100 or less, you have to consider all the vet bills, extra food and toys, maybe microchipping, etc.  It would be better in the long run for you and your cardi if you wait until your ready.  I live in Ottumwa, you can come visit me and Frosty anytime you like, he needs to socialize lol!!  I will also keep my eye on the classifieds as I occasionally see corgis in the paper around here.

thank you everyone,

as some of u know i did have a corgi before, and he wasnt a purebred but he still looked like a corgi, and i know about the cost of the vet and all and i have taken that in to thought thats y im looking for something like JD was, 3/4 card. corgi and 1/4 blue heeler. thanks for all the thoughts, i will keep it all in mind and if u do find any thing please let me know, my other dog camo is gitting a lil lonely when im at work at night.


Thanks again,


Have you seen Cheryl's girls?  I think she lives in IL and really needs to place them.  See here - http://www.mycorgi.com/profiles/blogs/last-ditch-plea-help-me-find
@Chris....great thinking!!!!!!


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