I know this is disgusting and all but wondering any of you out there have a problem with your dogs eating poop-- both mine just started this new thing and it is making me sick-- we keep the yard picked from the mess-- been alittle lazy on it the last week or 2 cause it has been so bitterly cold here-- so I donot leave the boys out for very long-- If anybody knows how to stop this please let me know-  It is driving us mad- cause we constantly watch them out the window now so we can get on them if they start.. I am gonna bundle up this morning and go tackle poop patrol ... Help!! 

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Well i bundled up this morning and went on poop patrol-- Chevy is 3 as well and Toby is 2-- We just got Chevy {My fluffy} about a month ago he was a emergency rescue.. He is a sweet dog but I think he has some anxiety issues, chews his feet too-- so I got some bitter sweet cherry spray for his feet-- then outside it is the poop thing now and plus chasing mice-- and now our quiet little Toby is picking up these bad habits.. It has been so bitterly cold here to walk so I let them out to play and run in the yard until they start barking at the gate-- but I am constantly watching cause I donot want them to eat poop.. My daughter and I play with them both tons in the house and we got some big raw hides today again to keep them busy .. So I donot know what to do ..The food I got for them is the same as always and I donot give them table food...So I am thinking it is a boredom thing or something ..But I do know I hope it stops fast...Well maybe between the  two of us we will come up with the answer somewhere..
Hereyou go Brenda :)
oh yeah, when i walk Carly in the neighborhood i have to constantly be on the look out for what ever shes  sniffing..and believe me shes fast , just this morning i was talking to the neighbor and she snagged a  pile of cat poop, thankfully she doesnt dine on dog pooh...yuk yuk yuk!!!!
Maya does that SAME THING!  The only catch is...She only eats HER poop and only after she has just done her business! haha  We just try and keep her away.  I heard they just seem to grow out of that habit and I am hoping she does SOON!  I also saw these pills that you can give them that are supposedly harmless that just give their poop a unattractive odor.  Never tried them, but it was suggested to us.
I am so relieve to find that other people's perfectly nice corgis and going nuts too.  I was too embarrassed to bring it up myself but I caught Twinkie doing it a morning this week.  I don't know how long she has been at it but it has really grossed me out.  I let her out one morning and didn't want to interrupt her "business" so I watched her from the window.  She made her own poopy, then walked around the yard and tasted another pile there!  I started yelling at her (note it was 5:30AM so not too loud) and told her to get in the house.  She came in but was acting very suspicious.  I stopped her and sure enough, she had a turd in her mouth.  She had brought one inside!!!  Later that day, I went out and picked up the yard and have picked it up every day since.  I was so mad.  She has only two jobs around here.  Be cute.  Be lovable.  She is definitely falling down on the job.  What has brought this on?  Why are so many starting now?  I think we have figured it out.  It must be that the Mother Ship (come on, we all knew, deep down, that they weren't not FROM here) has contacted them and this is some sort ploy to control our behavior.  That, or the cold is making them search for all of the nutrition they can, even if it means poop.  Good luck all!

I wish I knew what brought this on-- cause mine just started this as well-- and I bundled up yesterday and cleaned up and I am going to again today... Told my daughter we got to make sure this stuff is picked up cause it makes me sick having them do that.. So I understand what your saying Cindi..let me know if you figure out anything and I will as well-- now I am picking up daily and watching them and if I see them I tell them to drop it.. Then when they come in I give them a breathe freshner biscuit..Good luck as well... Please donot be embarrassed I kinda was to but I knew this was the place to find answers and support.. Thank you all!!

Our corgis don't have a problem eating poop. It's one of the things they do best.
Feed them pineapple. The flavor changes in the their digestive track and it makes the poop completely undesirable. It really does work and they love it.
@ Rebbecca..do you have to feed them pineapple everyday?
We all realize that it is crazy to have to make their poop undesirable, right? Don't get me wrong, I'm going to try it but I know its crazy.
I bought some pineapple today so lets see if this works and plus I went out and cleaned up after them everytime they went out today...and will continue to that everyday.. What was really amazing is how much they actually enjoyed eating the pineapple .. so that will be a very special treat now..lol So now lets hope that this works...
I am laughing so hard ! As I fed them all a piece of pineapple, I am thinking of that Sex in the City episode where the girls give their boyfriends pineapple juice to drink,  to say it politely "change the flavor of their body fluids"! So we are all crazy!  Mine haven't eaten their poop only the cats! Do I need to put pineapple juice in the cat water? Hahaha!


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