How many of you brush your dog's teeth?  My Bingley is one and half years old now and I noticed some yellowing on his back teeth and one or two dark spots.  Should I be concerned about that?  



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i brush teddy teeth every day:) i would start doing something about it so it dosnt get out of hand. get him some bones and treats to help get the tarter off but brushing really does go a long way!
Thanks!  Do you have a favorite toothpaste for Teddy?
yes i do:) its four paws tooth paste. teddy loves the taste and it makes his breath smell good lol and best of all its around $6 and comes with a tooth brush
My rescue had very bad teeth and also problems with being put under.  I found Tropiclean and her teeth are so much better.  I was brushing Boo's teeth last night and Sally was there wanting some for herself also.  This is what it looks like. It works and the dogs like the taste! Clean Teeth Gel

I do Bubba's teeth twice a week.Every 3-4 months I take him to the vet to have any scaled that need it. Some of the best stuff you'll find that works safely is Petzlife Gel. This is but one of several places to read about it.

Brush at least once a week, but the more often the better. I use Petrodex toothpaste. I haven't had much luck with minty flavored toothpastes. Dogs usually like poultry flavored kinds more.


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