Help! We are planning a very short summer vacation. It is a 5-day cruise but it is more like 4 days because we get back so early on the 5th day. I am excited about the vacation but I feel so guilty about leaving Sidney. We have 2 older dogs we have kenneled many times, and the facility we use is great; they take awesome care of the dogs. I think it is because Sid is still a puppy that I feel so bad. He's our first puppy (we'd always adopted older dogs) and I feel he is more dependent on us. By the time we go, he'll be 11 months old, and will have been with us 6 months.

Have any of you had experience boarding younger dogs, and if so, how did it go? Am I just being too sensitive? How much do you think they REALLY miss us when we are gone, and does time pass the same for dogs as it does for humans? I guess I should be glad it's not a 3-week vacation or anything like that.

Sidney will be in the same kennel as his two "brothers", so hopefully that will help.

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I think if they are in good hands, they are completely fine. Especially if they can interact with other dogs while you're gone. This is really good for them.

We left our dog with a friend whose dog we babysat when they went on a trip, and it was great to save all that money, but I think they also get stressed not being in their surroundings. We both had somewhat painful experiences trying to babysit each others' dogs. I take Oliver to day camp on occasion, and he handles himself just fine. Sometimes it's like he doesn't even care that I'm leaving him.

However, other dogs can be different.
I'll probably never kennel Charlie. Most of the "pet sitting" services here will come out twice a day to your home and feed the dog for about $5/day more than a kennel costs, then they have add-on fees if you want the dog walked, brushed, bathed, etc. I'd rather have Charlie stay in his own home and have sitters come take care of him. That's just my preference. A good kennel will take really excellent care of your dog.
I understand your worries! My dog and cat are in the kennel for two weeks while we wait for on-base housing (we were supposed to be able to move right in but that didn't happen). Oakley is two years old but has never stayed in a kennel. I think that we worry more than we need to. If you look on my page someone responded to my blog. He explained how animals process "time". He claims that it is different than the way that we process time. I don't necessarily completely agree with him but he is probably mostly right. Your concern just means that you want the best for your loved ones!
I think being with his sibling will be helpful for Sidney. I'm sure you will be missed, but you know from experience they all will be receiving great care, plus his "siblings" will be comforting to him in your absence.
I work at a kennel myself, and different dogs react differently to the situation. Some are completely relaxed and don't mind being there, while others are a nervous wreck the entire time. You just never know. What will help though is making sure that Sidney is housed with your two other dogs. He's used to being with them and that will help him relax and feel more at home. If this isn't possible, at least make sure that they house them all in a row together so they can still feel each other's presence. You can also suggest that the three of them all be walked as a group so they can have their playtime together. And if the kennel staff is as good as you say, this won't be a problem at all. :)

A few other tips to make Sidney feel more comfortable:

Make sure to provide his own food, enough for the entire time that you'll be done. Treats, too!
Send along his favorite toy (or toys) as well as bedding.
If possible, provide the kennel staff with his usual feeding and walking schedules.

Keeping Sidney's kennel experience as close to what he is used to at home will keep him happy while you're away. And remember, you can always call the kennel to check up on him while you're gone!


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