My corgi mac has finally stopped shedding but I am just wondering if your corgi sheds a lot. It seems like twice a year she goes through these HUGE shedding periods. She get's these tufts of hair that work their way out of her coat and just sit there. You can see them because they are white in her red fur or they stick way out. It's pretty funny. We usually have to brush her like 3 times a week if not more during these times.

Does anyone else experience this? Just wondering if it's her. We live in Minnesota and she LOVES the winter, but Summer's are so tough on her because it's so warm. I have considered shaving her, but can't bring myself to do it :)

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Our dogs shed twice a year too, summer and winter time. During those times our roomba gets a bucket load everyday :) You think Minnesota is hot? try Florida! It's still in the 90s today!!!
I know that Florida is warmer :) We get days in the 90's here as well, just not as much. How do you exercise your corgi's then when it's so warm. Mac just hates the summer because it's too hot for her to do much.
well, they are in Air condition house most of the day, we go out and walk 2 miles around the neighbourhood when it's close to night time. During those rainy days we have a treadmill :) they gret real motivted with treats!
This is the normal shedding process for a corgi. I too live in FL and I seem always to have extra hair in the house. Ofcourse having six will do that. May I suggest the furminator? It is a grand grooming tool. Looks like a clipper blade mounted on a handle. Does the best job of removing the dead undercoat. I have tried a similar tool by a different name and didnt work near as well. Dont feel you need to buy the shampoo and the entire "system" The tool by itself works great! Giving a warm bath and grooming after they are dry will loosen all the dead hair. If you have a blow dryer that blows cool air take them outside and blow them out. You will be amazed at the hair that you just blow away. The birds will love you for the soft lining for their nests. Shaving them often causes skin irritation. Their coat is there to protect them from the heat AND cold.
Thanks for the advice, I will have to try it, however I can't use the Hair Dryer, as she hides under the chair in the morning whenever I dry my hair. I usually end up drying her off with mutiple towels and then waiting for her hair to dry.

Thanks again!
The Furminator is great! I have had mine for about a week and I can tell a difference already. My vacuum is bagless so I can see the hair that I pick up and it's MUCH less.
People say that corgis shed twice a year - once from January to June and then again from July to December. I do believe it is true. Alot of your corgi websites stress the amount of hair that a corgi can blow is astronomical. Good luck with the shedding.
This is how I found this site! I was looking for videos demonstrating the Furminator on YouTube and I was impressed from what I saw.

Needless to say, I bought the Furminator and I couldn't believe how much of the undercoat I pulled out. It's very gentle and my Corgi enjoys being brushed by it and she usually doesn't like being brushed.

I don't know if she's shedding less, but I know I definitely cut down her shedding supply.
I know shaving a coat isn't the best, but we do shave Moira's pretty often in the summer months. It's just too darn hot here and she suffers in the heat in full coat. Fortunately, working at PetSmart is a big help. One of the groomers there does a great job of shaving down her HUGE THICK coat without going to the skin.

We have a furminator and I love it. I also use a wide-tooth coat rake, especially on Dundee. It helps a good bit.
Shaving the coat, sounds like a good alternative. I'd be interested to see a photo of what your cogi looks like with a shaved coat. Do you have a picutre you could post? If you do let me know. thanks.
If there's not one on my profile, there's on on Patti's (corgimom). I'll try to post a couple.


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