Ok...so I try to brush my corgi for a few minutes every day (when I'm home anyways, I live in ny, he lives w/ my parents in Mass)...brushing every day helps...to a point. Today I broke down and bought a $40 small furminator. I really didn't want to spend the money, it seems like an insane amount for a dog brush, but I just had to see for myself what I have been hearing from everyone else who has one....

oh. my. god. that is all i can say! normally, when you pat gizmo, loose fur comes off with every stroke.... I just spent about 5 minutes on him with the furminator, and no fur is coming off when I pat him now!! The size of fur ball on my living room rug looks like i shaved a golden retriever! haha Gizmo loved it, he sat there with a big smile on his face the whole time, so obviously it didnt hurt. You just will not know what it's like until you try one. it is UNBELIEVABLE. thats the only way i can describe it!!! And he even LOOKS better. He didnt look bad before at all, but I dont know what it is, he just looks BETTER now. I'm sure my mom will be happy she can cut back on vaccuming a little bit....


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That is great news! I just got the one I ordered on eBay and can't wait to try it. Still waiting on my corgi though!

I saw a local pet salon here advertising a $5 off special De Shedding treatments using the ......
you guessed it! ...... Furminator!
ha ha i have one too, works wonders, But i guess Mochi doesn't like it as much as Gizmo does. She never sits still!!
Bailey wants to eat the brush more than the fact he can't stay still, so i preoccupy him with this treat ball with a piece of chicken jerky (for dogs of course) wedged into it. =D

We did the same thing a few weekends ago. i felt like i was sheering a sheep!!
i think it is hilarious just to look at these piles of fur... lol altho my mom will be glad to see that someone else had the same result...she was a little worried giz was gonna go bald! ... ha! as if! he still has plenty! lol
yea, i thought for sure this would have done the trick with the shedding! but she still has plenty left!
lol yepp we just ordered ours on ebay (a large one for $32.98!!!!), and received it in the mail YESTERDAY. I furminated bailey and i was soooooo impressed. glad i have it now!!!! im taking out his grey puppy undercoat and am planning to make something after i get enough to stuff maybe... a toy?!?!
lol stuff the toys the furry guys destroy.. is the gray hair puppy hair? i had no idea!
i think its puppy hair! or maybe the color of undercoat hair! not sure! im assuming cause 1) he's not a dirty pup so it cant be that.. and 2) dogs dont get gray hair like humans.. ?!!?!???! lol and 3) hes a puppy and the fur that comes out is super super soft and gray only. im starting to get some tan, but still about 99% gray. =P maybe its a question to post in another forum!
ooo and baileys pretty good about his stuffed toys right now, he hasn't destroyed a single one yet!!! - but he's only been with me for a month - hes only a little over 3 months old! so well see...... he should be teething soon if he hasn't already started. lol
Bindi used to be good with toys, now its 'lets see how quick i can destroy this' and she is left with shells of toys
interesting! Bindi just turned 1 and all the under coat hair is gray! it does make sense though!


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