So I always thought my sweet Penelope was a Pembroke until I went to bring her to get her shots and the vet said that she was a Cardigan because she had a tail. The woman that I got her from told me that she chose not to dock Penelope and her siblings' tails. She said something about it becoming more popular nowadays. Now I'm totally confused? 


I know some Pembrokes are born without tails and most who do have tails get them docked. What do you guys think Penelope is? To me, it doesn't matter because she's still my adorable little corgi, but I just wanted to hear some insight.


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Oh yes! Pembroke with a tail! :D Cute!


Their faces, bodies, feet, chest, paws, personalities--- well, they're  so, so different, Cardis and Pems.

It surprises me how ignorant many vets can be about this. She definitely looks like a tailed Pem. Sidney is a pem who kept his tail, check out his pics. She's gorgeous!
She looks all Pem to me, and she is soooo adorable. I started following her on Tumblr and can't wait for that face to pop up in my feed.
For your vet's reference, pemmies with tails tend to have the tail curl over the back like yours and have a more triangular face.  The cardigan will have feet that kind of point outwards like a basset and rounder bigger ears.  You have a lovely pem.
I say Pem through and through. My guys a purebred Pembroke with a tail. I suppose the vet is too used to docked Pems and has never been introduced to the fact that they can have tails. Penelope is gorgeous by the way!!
Most PWC's are born with tails...some breeders are trying to breed for natural bobtails again and even them need docked for the AKC standards. I know of one breeder in PA that refuses to dock her Pems tails. The tail is definitely not an indication that it is a Cardigan. <BG>
She looks like a cute Pembroke to me!!!
Looks like a big collective "Pembroke" from the good people of! Thanks guys!! :)

She's a pem with a tail.

I'm always shocked how thick their tails are! I don't have any with tails or have I ever met one in person, but their tails are huge.

She's definitely a Pembroke. Most pems are born with tails. Besides, Pembrokes and cardis are completely different breeds, the tail alone doesn't determine which breed it is.
Oh yeah...I want to scream ever time a dog show announcer says "The Cardigan Corgi is up next...that's the corgi with a tail"......augh! 
I agree she is a pembroke!  And a very pretty girl,too!  Love your videos and pics!


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