Bexar doesn't like going on walks... any suggestions?

Bexar (now 9 weeks old) hates going for walks! He just sits there staring at me when we try to go, and nothing I do will make him get up and walk (he also loves trying to playing tug with the leash, even though I don't allow this).
The catch is, he is a great walker when we are going towards the house (kind of... its more of a run so he can get back to the yard). So what I've been doing is this: carry him half a block away, walk back to the house, repeat.
This hasn't helped yet.

Does any one have any suggestions for a stubborn walker? I really want to take him for walks, as it SHOULD be a great bonding experience as well as a good way of tiring him out.

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I think the main thing is to start small...meaning, get him used to the leash first, then get him used to you pulling on the leash. You might be able to sit in front of him outside, while he's wearing the leash and call him while holding the leash and gently tug him towards you, when he gets to you give him a little treat. I would try this a few times. Then maybe, if he's mastered the feeling of the leash, try walking with him next to you and stop every few steps to give him a treat and praise him. Kiwi hated her leash (still doesn't really like it) and each time we go for a walk I always carry little treats (just some kibble) with me and once she has one, she knows I have surprises for her if she behaves. It seems to work. Also, remember, he's only 9 weeks old...everything is still so new to him, and walking on the leash requires him to give up some of his independence, which no puppy really likes to do. Good luck with your leash walking does get better the older they get, I promise.
A HUGE help in getting Cheez-it (Bexars Brother) to leash walk was making sure the leash stays directly above him for the first day or so and not applying any pressure, just letting him get used to the weight of the leash. Making sure it stayed up and out of the way is working really well and we only get into the occasional leash battle when I ask him to do something he dislikes. I also showed him a treat in my closed fist and used that (letting him try and get at it, sometimes biting...) to get him to move some. He still will not walk-walk, but the leash doesnt bother him. I still have to walk 10 feet or so and call him then repeat.
Nine weeks is too young to expect him to know what to do when that long "ropey thing" is around his neck and you're attached to the other end. His brain is like an infant's, and leash walking is a fairly advanced skill. At this age you want mainly to let him drag the leash around under supervision, pick it up from time to time and follow him a few steps so that he does not pull the leash tight. Wandering around a bit with him while he's on potty break outside is about all the leash walking he needs now. Working a little bit indoors and in the yard, you can increase the training time and distance after he gets the hang of it. Charlie and I didn't really start going on real walks until he finished his puppy shots at 16 weeks. Lots of treats when you are hanging onto the leash is a wonderful thing! : - )
Alright, thanks for the re-assurance! I suppose its just that he's doing so well with everything else, including walking back home, that I figured he'd walk better than this! I definitely know he's still an infant, though, I don't get frustrated or upset with him over anything at this point.

Oh yeah, he does pretty well when he's on his leash, its just when we get out side and try to walk, that the thing that gets me!
This is very typical puppy behavior. I certainly would not let him run back to the house as this will be an ingrained behavior as he ages. 9 weeks is very young and he is looking for familiar territory. He doesnt want to leave it just yet and is most anxious to return. Keep practicing and you will see that he will make a little progress each day. Patience is the key with all puppy training.
Ah, thank you! That makes sense, not wanting to stray too far from the "den." That definitely helps me see how to continue with this. I grew up with Huskies, so I now all about the pack (and territory) mentality - Bexar is my first puppy experience, however. And, really, he's much better behaved than I expected, so far!
Wow, great progress today! All it took was understanding WHY he didn't want to go for walks. We walked 2 blocks (I'm not worried about disease where I am, but I would not take him out of my neighborhood yet) and he walked VERY well. These guys are so smart!
Well, he's only 9 weeks old. Most puppies don't really know they have to walk when they are on the lead. When my twin got her corgi, we were exhausted just getting her leash trained because she would just lay on her belly, chewing on the leash - but after a few weeks she suddenly LOVED going on for walks. Same thing with my borzoi. When I first got him (he was 12 weeks) he just sat down when the leash was on him, and if he actually walked he would walk a few steps, sniff, and as soon as the leash tugged a bit, he'd sit down, not wanting to walk. Now a two weeks later, he suddenly walks and walks and walks like there is no tomorrow. It was like one day he didn't want to walk - the next day he couldn't wait to get out the door (and there was no stopping and sitting on his walks either) When I grab the leash he's right by my side, sitting, and waiting for it to latch onto him. Hope this is will happen with your little corgi. Just give him some time, he's only 9 weeks old. Make sure you don't over exert him as well (which I'm sure you wont) but when my borzoi went on his first walk, he walked about 200 yards and was ready for a nap. I had to carry him back, and he's a big dog as well for his age! Thankfully I don't have to do that anymore. So a tiny little corgi won't walk for 30 mins...

Stopping him chewing on the leash is a very good start, by the way. :-) Good luck!


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