I really need some help here! I have read that some people's dogs are less aggressive after being neutered while others say their dog's aggression level stayed the same. What I'm wondering is if anyone had dogs that became MORE aggressive after being neutered? I took my little guy in to be neutered 2 weeks ago and after the drugs wore off, he started barking a lot. At first my trainer and I both thought it was just from being cooped up (because the vet said to limit his movements because he could end up pulling his stitches if I let him off leash and run around like mad) but now that his stitches are out and we're back to his normal exercise routine, he's still barking like crazy! Before, I used to let Rocky out out in the morning to do his business and then he'll come back in and chill while I get ready for the day. Now, when I'm getting ready, he's barking like mad! At 7 in the morning! We're moving to a townhouse in a couple of months and I really can't have my little guy barking like this and disturbing the neighbours. I'm seriously considering getting one of those spray collars. Can anyone give me any advice?

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Hi Dora, testicles are not the root of aggression problem, by removing them, you only take away the ability to procreate. The hormone fluctuation will take roughly a month to level off to normal. Increase his daily outdoor on leash walk to 90 mins, practice diversion, when he looks at you when called or perform a task instead of barking, reward him immediately.
Well, excessive barking isn't a sign of aggression.  You'll probably have to figure out why he is barking before you can correct it.  Has there been a change in the neighborhood (new dog barking, kids playing, etc)?  Does the barking start only after he comes inside after his morning potty break?  How long has he been back onto his normal routine?
The neuter doesn't work right away. It'll take about a month or so for all the hormones to leave his body. Also he may still have a lot of pent up energy from when he wasn't allowed to play. Last off, he may have developed some bad behaviors during the 2 week rest period or developed a routine in his mind that you will now have to work on changing. I'm glad to hear you have a trainer. He/she should be able to help you through this issue. I'm sure its more likely being cooped up/change in routine from the neuter, than a result of the neuter itself because not much has changed hormonally for him yet. Just work a lot on the "quiet" command, praise quiet and ignore barking. If you react to his barking by raising your voice or saying "no" etc you are in fact enforcing that behavior because you are giving him a response/reaction. One simple "quiet" and ignore until he stops (or pauses to take a break, even if its just for a few seconds) and praise like crazy with "good quiet" and treats. He will eventually learn quiet means to quit barking and that he will get more attention and praise from quiet. Also, moving may be a good thing. He may have it in his head there is something outside your current house that he needs to alert you about, but may not have that impulse at the new place. Just work on quiet, be patient, and praise even a second or two of no barking. Once he seems be getting it a little bit, wait a bit longer before you praise. I've been working on this with Franklin for a few MONTHS now and he is finally doing really well. So remember it will probably take time. We are altering one of a corgi's favorite behaviors....to bark bark bark!

Have you tried taking him to obedience classes?  That is the most effective solution I have aver seen for behavioral issues.  Here are some past discussions about barking, hopefully they will have some useful information for you!  Good luck!














I thought this one especially relevant - http://www.mycorgi.com/forum/topics/will-neutering-help-with-my

Barking is definitely NOT aggression. I'm assuming he's pretty young if he's just getting neutered? A lot of corgis tend to "find their voice" as they get older; puppies that barely made a peep may turn out to be very vocal adults. It sounds to me like he started barking out of boredom from being confined and now he thinks that it is an acceptable behavior. I'd follow Melissa's training advice and remember to be very patient, it won't happen over night. If you have a trainer they should be able to help you out quite a bit as well.


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