I am so frustrated right now maybe some advice would be helpful , all of a sudden starting last week Zeus at 1 year and 2 months has decided to start pooping in his crate?? I am getting so mad I am at my whits end.  I have had him since 12 weeks old and always take him out on a constant basis and he knows he is to potty outside, it has happened twice this week and in the morning before i have a chance to get him out of his crate, nothing has changed same schedule as always right when I wake up he goes out and usually does not poop in his crate - not sure what the problem is. Do dogs regress for a period of time? he is usually so good about no accidents. nothing has changed as far as his food either, so I am at a total loss of the reason. so sighhhhhhhhh I have no idea what to do

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Hi Suzi, yes regression is normal. Go back to square one, slowly increase his perimeter, until Zeus has earned his trust. Make sure he gets his daily on leash outdoor walk rain or shine. Good luck!

thanks Sam just so frustrating I stay home with him all day so he gets constant attention, I have taken him to training classes, i just didn't know they regress at a certain age :( , first puppy for me so I will try and be patient

No worries, I can certainly understand the frustration, keep up the walks, you'll definitely see results :)

He might also have a mild tummy upset that does not give him soft stool but makes him have to go urgently.  Any changes?  New food? Treats?  Change in schedule?  Exciting/stressful happenings?

thanks Beth but nothing new or exciting

I was thinking maybe he is still teething could that cause him issues but he is 14 months old

He should not be teething at 14 months. They generally get their last adult teeth in around 6ish months. Maybe try giving his last meal of the day 1/2-1 hour later so he doesn't have to go as early? Do you have an idea of when he is going in the morning? Can you get up a bit earlier to get him out? Good luck

just a thought, but has it been rainy by you at all lately, and has Zeus been reluctant to go in the rain, therefore making him have to poop and not be able to hold it ? 

no Natalie its sunny here and Melissa he eats at 630 am only once a day so this is 24 hrs later he is pooping in his crate b4 I can get him out the door, we already get up at 6 AM and nothing has changed so I am way confused


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