I'm so bummed. I had 3 great days with Kirby. He didn't break out of his pen and I came home to a happy dog and a clean house. Today I left for LITERALLY one hour and he had somehow broken out of the pen and shredded my school work. I have 3 huge finals next week and then 2 more the week after, among the destruction were a lot of my school notes. I was so upset, I thought I had finally found a way to keep him confined. Maybe the calming treats really do work, I didn't give him one before I left because I knew I'd only be gone a short time. He also got a 1 1/2 hour run this morning and was pooooooped when we got home. I guess to add insult to injury when I get home when he has destroyed stuff he always pees then runs outside, so not only am I cleaning up all the shredded paper (most of which is really important) I am also having to clean up a line of pee across my living room. A few hours later I set up my skype, left him out, and took Frank on a short 10 min walk. Kirby immediately went for a book on the coffee table and I scolded him through Skype and he was so suprised! Lol. Then he just layed calmly on the couch until we got back. Periodically I would tell him "good boy" when he was laying calming. Maybe I will just start to do this, its what I did with Truck when I left because he used to bark non-stop in his crate, it seemed to have worked to fix that issue, maybe if Kirby gets reprimanded in the act he will stop doing it and when he is praised for good behavior he will start to understand what I'm looking for. Now to figure out how to re-inforce the ex-pen for Houdini

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Using Skype...what a brilliant idea!!!!!!!!  You've the patience of Job, Melissa.  I'm so sorry about the classwork.  Good luck with Kirby and hang in there!

lol the patience isn't really there! I open my door, see the destruction, and then have to close the door again and take several deep breaths before I can enter my apartment and clean up the mess! Lol. Depending on what is destroyed sometimes I slip Frank out the door and go on a short walk before coming home bc my anger takes a bit longer to go away. I know scolding does no good after the fact so I try to just come in and calmly clean up the mess but sometimes I need a few minutes to be "calm" lol. I re-inforced the pen (yet again) and gave him a calming chew this morning and came home to a happy bouncy dog and a clean house so I think I'll just have to stick with the chews to take the edge off because they really do seem to be helping.

What brilliant parenting. If you ever choose to have children you will be one very long leg up on me- I had such a hard time controlling my temper when they were little. I hope you were able to salvage your schoolwork. Just keep thinking that soon the semester will be over and you will have a little more free time.

I don't know if you've mentioned elsewhere what chews you're using, but can you tell me?  We're moving in about 2 weeks into temporary furnished housing and we're really nervous about the dogs especially getting anxious and eating furniture that isn't ours (cha-ching!).   If these chews really work, I'm all for trying them out :)

Duh----I see if I'd kept reading, I would have found out.  Oops, that'll teach me to read ahead before blabbing!.

LOL I was coming to let you know to keep reading. I also got them and love them! I posted a blog yesterday with a link to them as well. I was able to find them locally, so you might google and find out if they are available in your area. The company has a place on their website where you can check for retailers close to your zip code.

Cool!  Thanks!    I just checked the website and see that they are available at our local Petco.  I though the packaging looked familiar :)

Using the Skype was an excellent idea.  I've seen other trainers set up closed-circuit tv to do the same thing.  Hang in there.  He will get better.  The more you wear his little a&& out and work on corrections (and the more he matures), it will improve.  But until then, it will be two steps forward and one back.  

What a great idea!  He will think you are everywhere.  I would love to know what he is thinking when he gets scolded and no one is home.

So sorry, Melissa! I think the Skype is a great idea though! And the treats probably do make a difference. Actually the peeing as you come home makes me think that is a hint of a submissive/guilty conscience behavior. I know it's annoying, but it does mean he understands on some level that he screwed up. Remorse is a good sign. Hang in there! It will get better! When all this is over, you can make a living training dogs with behavior problems like Cesar Milan and Victoria Stillwell! We'll be watching you on Animal Planet with your own show!

he most definitely know's he did bad because when he is a good boy (like today) he is just BURSTING to see me and get out and play. When he's bad, he pees and runs outside. He NEVER gets reprimanded since I'm not there to see him be bad, but he KNOWS he's been bad. Today was a good day though! So yay! I think the treats really do help!

YAY! Where did you get the chews and what are they called? I might try them with Brodie. I'm still using Ace on him when we have to leave him all day long!



I have amazon prime so get free shipping so these were a good deal. I give 1 with his breakfast which is about an hour before I leave for the day. The 4 days I've given them I have been gone several hours and he has been destruction free and most of these days he doesn't get much of a walk before hand. The one day I didn't give it (yesterday) he  was POOPED from a VERY long play session and I was only gone an hour and came home to mass destruction, so to me that means they work.

Kirby is only 20 pounds but it says you can double/triple the dose so I do give him the 1 chew which is for 26-50 pounds.


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