So Penny is 3 years old now and has settled down and become quite a good dog.  I've been allowing her to spend 1/2 days out of the crate when I'm at work during the day and there hasn't been any accidents or bad behaviors.  The thing that has me worried is that she seems to be pulling away from me. It used to be the minute I got home she wanted me to sit down so she could sit in my lap and cuddle.  The last month or so she goes and lays down in the back room and rarely sits with me.  I have to beg her to come sit on my lap and when she does its for a very limited time.  Has anyone else had this happen as their dog gets older?  Is it just independence or could it be a sign of something being wrong?  I miss my cuddle bum!

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Noodles does this to my husband and he is 7 (Noodles is, not my husband. Thought I should clarify that). We've been carpooling to work lately because of the high cost of gas and if my husband enters the house first, Noodles will walk right past him and come looking for me. He will then go back to my husband, but he has to greet mom first. Also, when we are at home, Noodles will remain within site of me or if I'm gone, Noods will stay on the middle level while my husband is downstairs. He will try and get Noodles to go downstairs with him, but Noods won't. I think it is a sign of independence, but that is only my opinon.

Have there been any other changes in routine or the make up of your home/family?

Nothing has changed in our home other than letting her have more freedom when I'm gone.  She came and sat with me for a little while last night...but it's almost like she is on's very strange.

Snickers has gotten more cuddly with age- she is 5. You might try spending more time with Penny doing obedience, and NILIF stuff- (if she wants food, or attention she has to earn it.)

I found with Sparty that when he was sleepy that I could pick him up and hold him. Eventually he would seek my attention out for cuddles. He has always been more of a "throw the ball for me " dog but does still like being held sometimes. He will never be as cuddly as Izzy and Misty are but it is just not his nature.

Twinkie seems to be like that too. I wonder if its a girl thing?  She just turned four and we have noticed in the last year that she is A-Okay on her own.  She prefers to lay in yard while the rest of the gang is begging to come be inside with us.  We notice even more now that we have Logan.  He REALLY wants to be with us everywhere.  Twinks is alright though, she still enjoys us when we want to love on her.  She just doesn't come looking for it like she used to.

It may just be that now that she has the freedom, she's not as thrilled with the idea that you are home. I know when I leave the house and put Brodie in his xpen, my coming home is like I've moved and left him for years on a deserted island. When I leave him for days at the vet, he's happy to see me, but not nearly as thrilled. I think it's because 'his girlfriends' at the vet spoil him and he doesn't feel abandoned there. Maybe she doesn't feel so abandoned or punished when she is left free in the house, so she doesn't feel so compelled to smother you with affection.

My two girls are alot less cuddly than my boy.  My boy Nimh is The Tick...always stuck to my side.  But Annie and Teri, while loving belly rubs and petting and such, rarely seek it out.  They're both fine not being in the same room with me whereas Nimh HATES to not be with me.

I agree it may just be the freedom. Now you coming home isn't quite as exciting as it used to be. When Kirby used to be allowed out he never cared when I came home, now that he is confined he goes CRAZY when I walk in the door and will jump and has even started barking when he sees me. Franklin on the other hand has always had freedome and greets me with a very lazy weave in and out of my legs, a big stretch, and a nubbin wag and that's about it. Not too much excitement just a "oh hi, your back....yawn". It may also be the temperature? I know in the winter Franklin sticks to me like glue and will cuddle up as close as he can to me and always wants to be held. Now that it is getting warm he rarely lays by my and will occassionally come sit at me feet but he doesn't climb all over me like he does in winter.

Well if it's that she has the freedom and isn't as excited to see me then she is getting locked back up!  LOL


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