With a very heavy heart i have to admit that my rescue of one year is not fitting into my existing pack. Christopher is an incredibly loving and well trained (many Rally and agility titles) little 6 year old neutered sable Corgi. He needs to be in a home as a single dog. He is very dog friendly and playful outside his home but inside the herding instincts kick in when there is excitement and he goes over the top. Christopher loves cats, would never hurt them but does love to chase them.

My ideal home would have no other dogs or cats, fenced yard, and an active family. I would not want him in a home that he will be left home alone all day (he could do it but I don't want that). I want him to on places with his family when possible.

Here are a list of his assets and it is a long one.

He loves children, will pull you too them.
He has tons of fun energy
He is like a shadow, follows you everywhere
He makes everyone laugh
He is in great shape - loves long hikes/walks.
He is very used to being in a barn around horses.
Once he is bonded with the family he can go off leash at beaches etc,
He is very healthy
He is trained in an invisible fence
He has been shown VERY successfully in Rally and agility
He is a great traveler
He is crate trained
Completely housebroken
Can sleep "in" on weekends
He goes to nursing homes and loves it there.

His weaknesses:
Herds other dogs indoors and gets nippy with them.
He will bark when people first come into the house out of excitement ( doesn't last long)
When he is super excited he will nibble on a sleeve
He loves to chase cats.
He does not like his feet or rear end touched in excess, will growl but not bite
He takes a while to give a ball or toy back
He has an off and on limp if doing too much agility, why we stopped (fine now)
When he has a chew bone he will hide so you don't take it
Can be bratty (not aggressive) if he gets hold of something he shouldn't have (sock :-).
Barks when he hears the phone ring.
Hates garage door openers. - odd little dog!!

Let me know if you have any questions!!

Jean Owen

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Good luck and  keep on posting if you don't get someone right away...it will happen:) So sorry you have to rehome but glad you realize it will be better for both of you. I rehomed one of my females (Joanna,Rainy and Calvin) and she has the best life possible and is now a princess...which is the life she deserved:)

Aw, sounds like a very typical Corgi and I hope you find him a perfect home.  Sounds like he has a lot to offer.  Best of luck.   My Maddie gets nippy with Jack indoors when he runs, but he mostly tolerates it.  It took me about 2 years to condition her to take out her stress on a chew toy when he runs inside and she's about 80% consistent with it, but I think if I had more than one dog she would not be able to take her focus off the other running dogs.  

It's a hard decision to make, but sometimes it's what's best for everyone. I hope Christopher finds a new family soon.
You mentioned that he barks when the phone rings. One of mine barks when I answer the phone. Drives me nuts! Why do they do that!?!


There's a lid for every pot....keep trying...there might be a Corgi lover out there who thinks his odd habits are adorable! It is more difficult to adopt out a six year old but he has a long list of great qualities.

You might try contacting Laurie Eno with The Daily Corgi.  Her email: thedailycorgi@gmail.com.  She often does spotlight stories about everyday corgis and she might be willing to feature a story about Christopher.  Its worth a try, I have found her to be super super nice and helpful.  If she can't spotlight you a story, she may have some other ideas for you to help find him the perfect home.  Good luck!

Here is The Daily Corgi facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/thedailycorgi?fref=ts

Chris has found a new home with a family that will be able to continue with agility, I am very happy and he seems to be as well!




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