Hi so I just joined and just got my first Corgi about 4 days ago. She's a 7 1/2 week old red female named Elphie (after the main character in the musical "Wicked" - her registered name is "Macy's Somethin Wicked This Way Comes"). She's really a sweetheart and I'm crate training her but I was just hoping from advice from seasoned Corgi owners about the best way to train her - no nipping, coming when called, etc. She does pretty great walking "without" a leash, she follows at an almost perfect heel, but goes bonkers when I put it on. And then today she started pulling the 'flat dog' move even while off the leash. How much exercise should she get? Thanks in advance for any advice :)

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She's at the age where she'll follow most feet that are moving, I think. Just leave the leash on her while you're watching her play so she can get used to it?
This is very true. As puppies they will come and follow anyone, at about 5 months on they start to stop that and do their own thing. A puppy training class is a great idea. I took both my corgis through them, we bonded on a new level, learned lots, and had a blast.
We got our corgi about 2 months ago. When we first got him he would not walk when we put the leash on him but we left it on anyways. All it took was some encouragement and by that night he was walking just fine. We are still working on the nipping. We have found it best to let out a loud yelp like a puppy would if they were hurt then immediately cross your arms, stand up and leave your back turned toward her until she loses interest. I do feel bad doing that at times but he seems to slowly be getting better. The breed picks up on what you want pretty quickly and will do anything for food. As far as the flat dog goes...we take Midas on a walk about 3 times a week while he's still a pup and go for about 1hr. I would start out less and gradually increase over time so she can build her strength. Just whatever you do try to not carry her on walks. They can come to expect it. Just wait a min. and the tell it's time to go and encourage her.
Welcome and congrats! Here's a great post to begin with, you'll be able to find most of your answer with the search box. As far as exercise goes, I've found 45-60 mins walk with great results, my dogs are calm, obedient and no more behavior issues. Corgis are herding dogs, they can go 45 mins non stop to keep the sheep in a herd. They definitely need jobs and be challenge daily. A key to dog training is Exercise, Discipline then affection, in that order. Good luck!

Sam, I'm assuming you're not recommending 45-60 mins. walks for a 71/2 week old pup.....

Just noticed this post is from 2008... now 2013, didn't notice this when I saw it in the Main Forum....

Just wanted to add that I wasn't there too long ago and it may all seem frustrating at first - when they continue to nip or misbehave, but remember they're young. Most of the traits they will grow out of, and the techniques described will certainly speed it up ( like yelping and turning your back when she nips). Just wanted to make sure you keep things in perspective! Enjoy puppyhood, since it doesn't last that long. Take plenty of pictures and videos!

Also, for leash training, it REALLY helps to practice INSIDE the house before going outside. Give her treats for leaving the leash alone. Discpline her for playing with it by tying her to a stationary object and turning your back on her until she clams down, etc. Always reward her for good behavior, and she'll catch on that good behavior = affection and yummy treats!

It'll take time, patience, CONSISTENCY and a lot of treats, but I am sure she'll be that corgi you want her to be in no time flat!
Elphaba...great name! Will she have a green collar? ;-)

As soon as she's old enough, take a puppy training class and it will be a big help. While we were training SIdney we were told to put the leash on him and leave it on all day, both to get him used to it and also for a quick correction if needed. we thought it was a crazy idea, but it did a lot of good. I'm not sure with a pup that young, though.
I wrote an article on my home page that I think you may find most helpful. Best of luck with your new pup!
Seems you've had more then enough help already :) I just wanted to say welcome and congratz on your new addition :D
Hi! I dont have alot to add to this thread, because im not getting my puppy for another 2 weeks. But i just thought i would tell you, that i am 99% sure that my puppy is your Elphies sister. They are born the same day. And Elphie is the same name and looks just like the only little red girl in the litter.

I have a Corgi that just turned 8 weeks old a few days ago and we're trying to get him used to the leash as well because now that he is used to going outside around our apartment he tends to bolt when we open the front door. Due to the fact that we are in an apartment we want to keep him in specific areas that aren't frequented by other dogs until he gets his next round of shots. He HATES being put on the leash; he bounces and whines in protest but once we get him walking with us he forgets it is even there unless there it tension on it. I have yet to experience the 'flat dog' bit; So many puppy antics to look forward to. :)

Welcome to the site, and I hope your training goes well!

Hi, I just wanted to say, "I LOVEEEEEEE her name!!!!!!" Wicked is my favorite musical!!!!! 

Also,  Elphie is a "wicked" cutie (as we would say in Boston)! 


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