So my little Harries was fixed yesterday (poor little guy ) and the vet said to keep him Calm and quite for 10 days...serioulsy if you met my dog you would know this is nearly impossible. He is a great dog but likes to jump up on the couch to cuddle or herd our cats.

Last night, still under some good drugs he was all calm and quite. This am I take him out of his crate and he is back to his crazy running around cat chasing self.

How did you guys keep your calm and quite for a few days??

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Your dog sounds like Atlas. Just keep the cone on him, and don't play rough with him for a few days. Try and keep the cat away from him for a bit until his stitches heal.
I'll never forget what the vet said about Atlas
"Most dogs come out of amnesia pretty groggy and want to sleep. Atlas was ready to play the second he woke up. You're dog has no idea he just had surgery."
I had bruises on my shin from Atlas ramming me with his cone, and when it came time to take the cone off it looked like it had been through the garbage disposal.
Harry has no cone! Thankfully he is not licking so they didn't send us home with one...I can only image ..he would totally flip out with a cone on
I've never been through the situation of fixing a dog but when I had my male rabbit fixed I was also told to keep him calm and comfy for a few days after he was healing. One thing I found that helped a bit, that didn't interfere with is medicine was a product called Contentum. It's a pill you can get at any pet store in the health/behavior section. All it is is triptophan which is basically like feeding him turkey. :)

Hope you find something that works!


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