What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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His official name is "Celestial Star's Bexar."
I was going to name him Dark Star's Bexar, but his breeder was called Celestial Star Kennel, so it worked out perfectly.

Nicknames... not many so far. Bex, Baby Bexar (that won't last long), and I often just call him 'guy.' I'll post more as they come!
Our corgi's name is Stubbs, for obvious reasons! Nicknames include Stubbies and Tubbies. We love to take him on car rides, and at a stoplight one day, the gentleman in the car next to us asked, "What's your corgi's name? I have a corgi, too, and her name is Midget!"

Too cute. :)
Our Corgi's name is Einstein, this seems to be a popular name due to the television show Cowboy Bebop. We call him Ein for short, and when he's naughty we sometimes refer to him as turd. I called him long john earlier and he waddled right over...
I actually made my nickname for Banzai a part of his name. He is officially named Banzai Fuzzybutt. Thus the reason why my username is FuzzyButt. I'm so clever. 8D
Kirby Superstar (named after a nintendo character/game)
We also call him:
& Mr. Superstar
Our new puppy George has officially become George the Brave heart. I knew if we waited long enough is AKC name would come to us. Last Saturday, George, all 10 pounds of him, was ready to defend his big sister from a stray husky that had wandered into the yard. He sure gave that husky a piece of his mind.
Edie is my puppy. Nicknames include: Edie butt, Fluff, Puff, wiggle butt, Edie Puff, Edie angle, Edie Beady, Beady, angel, pup and my dad calls her Radar for her ears!
Socrates Fox in our little guys name. Socrates was one of the names we were throwing around on our trip to check him out, because I had just finished up with a seminar on Plato's dialogues at school and while doing info search for a puppy I read how clever and intelligent (as well as tricky and mischevious) Corgi's can be. When I saw him I instantly fell in love and knew that Socrates fit him perfectly.
Nicknames include: Socs, bunny butt, chubby cheeks, mommies little monster, monkey, bubbie, sweetie, royal pain, yoda, and cutie-pie.
My male Pem is named Zeppelin. No one I've met has ever heard of another dog with this name, but I thought it was appropriate because he looked like a blimp when he was pup! Plus my favorite band of all time is Led Zeppelin.

Nicknames: Zepp, Zeppie, poop, pooper, pooper-doo, pup-pup

If I get another one, I'd like to do a Welsh name. In one of the Corgi magazines my wife got when he was a baby, there was a list of Welsh names, but I misplaced the mag. Does anyone have such a listing, or know where one is?
Here are two sites I looked over when considering names (before I decided to go the opposite route, lol). Hope it helps!! :)
Thanks, Chell, for the list of names! That IS very helpful!
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