I was wondering if anyone has used both products and which worked better? I have the shed-ender but I think it may be worth investing in the furminator and with summer approaching puppy hair will be everywhere!
Does the furminator usually get out all the hair? How long does it take to brush your corgi? Do you have to stop and clean out the brush because it is too full with hair (thats how it is with the shed-ender)?

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never used the Shed-ender, but you'll never go back once you get a furminator. Get one @ amazon.com or on Ebay. =P
my furminator takes out pretty much all the under coat, trevor hates the slicker brush, he will yealp and try to bite it but he loves the furminator. you have to take out the hair of the brush after pretty much every stroke but it isnt a newsance it is ok. it does take a fairly long time because you are taking out all the under coat but it is worth it when you see your floors free from hair 2 days after brushing
Sorry Kristin, I too have never used the shed-ender. However, in my search for the furminator, I was referred to Walmart (I live in a small town in Oklahoma and we don't even have a pet store :-O ) to buy a generic brand of the furminator; But I had my heart set on the real thing. I finally got it and I LOVE it. I personally would say hold out for the real thing. I'm sure the shed-ender works... but does it work as well?
On Mac we actually use a tool recommended by the breeder we take him to (just for nail trimming ;) called the Mars Coat-King. It does a SUPER job of taking out all the undercoat and is slightly cheaper than a Furminator. Mac really likes how it feels :)

You can order them here...http://www.petedge.com/Mars-Coat-King-Strippers-ZC515.pro

Mac has the "double-wide" one with 18 blades.
I haven't used either product, since an inexpensive shedding blade gets out all of Charlie's undercoat in a few minutes. I did notice that Bamboo has come out with what looks like an equivalent product (FurBuster) to the Furminator for about $10 less, or for the same price as a Med Furminator, Bamboo offers one with 3 different sized interchangeable blades, which looks pretty cool. I think Target carries them.

I bought the shed ender a while back...it does not work well. I bought the furminator about 1 month ago and the difference is like night and day. The furminator is a far superior product...easier to use (larger, no need to swith chte blad for right or left hand use, etc.). The furminator is amazing...I furminate Tiki about once every 10-12 days and it's amazing how much fur. The first time I thought another corgi showed up I had so much hair! Yes, you do need to stop and clean out the furminator but overall it is far superior based on what I have seen.
Glad to know. I was about to ask this question but decided to search for it first!

Now furbuster or furminator? If I go for the furminator--I'll have to find the mycorgi site on amazon to purchase it.
I bought the Furbuster as I thought it looked basically the same as the Furminator and was cheaper (I got mine at Target for $22). I've only used it a handful of times, and I have no experience with the Furminator to compare it with, but I thought it did a decent job. It didn't strip my dog of a ton of fur like I've seen in the Furminator videos and pictures, but perhaps that's because it's winter? Also my dog is just turning one year, so perhaps it could also be due to the fact that his coat is still in the transition phase.
Here's the link :)
Thanks Sam! :D
I too, have never tried the Shed-ender. I have a medium sized Furminator and it is one of my essential tools used to groom my Ein. It takes the same amount of time as if you were to brush your corgi. As I brush, I'll get a clump of hair. Then I take the hair and throw it in the trash and continue brushing. You can try searching for videos on how the furminator works. I highly recommend it!
I have both products, the furminator by far is the best. My corgis love when I use it on them. The shed-ender is just junk no fur comes off at all.


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