I have not been on here much this year due to life, and I know that Sam has been having a rough year but I was wondering if there has been any more information on the 365 calendar for 2013? Just asking since Taz was one of the selected and the breeder has been asking me about when they would be available. Thanks!

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Don't know but I believe Sam had plans for something with this...we'll keep our fingers crossed:)

Thanks Jane! 


I was actually just wondering if the 365 calendar was still being made.  I have two or three of them from years ago, would like to start getting them again.

Hi Laura, here's the update.

Hi Kristin,

Thank you for your suggestion, unfortunately kickstarter does not allow non profit charity projects :(

Come on people! Chip in! (I did!) :) 

BTW Sam, if we don't make the goal, will the line up for next year be the same as this years?

Thank you CorGeek, yes, the line up will be the same. All we need is 600 calendars preordered. Considering around 300 people who submitted photos would get one, plus another 300 corgi lovers who wants a 365 calendar, this should be easy. Let make this happen!

Great! I think many more people would be ordering if it's clear––the lineup will be the same regardless if printed for the 2013 or 2014 calendar.

I'm placing my order now and hope many more members do the same. We all know how hard Sam worked on the 12-month calendar and then the 365-day calendar, to include many more photos.

I know how hard you worked on this calendar and hope you raise enough money to make this 2013 calendar a reality. I have one question. If you are unable to raise $15000, will the 2014 have the original photos that we submitted & were accepted for the 365-day 2012 calendar?

Come on fellow corgi lovers, ChipIn!

We have a longggg way to go to get to that $15,000 goal!

I tried for a long time and couldn't get my pay pal account to work...we have to keep bring this up on top of the list. Will try again tonight!!!!!!

Thank you Jane!


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