I'm a new dog owner and adopted Ava from a shelter a little over a month ago. All I know about Ava is that she was dropped off by her previous owner and I adopted her in a few days, so she was at the shelter for only a few days. Even though I don't know Ava history, she does not appear to have any behavioral issues. Ava appears to be well taken care of by her previous owner. She is very submissive and quite a lap dog. Before I settled on a Corgi, all the research suggested that Corgi will have energy, so it was a big surprise to me that Ava is so gentle and lay back. However, if I run outside with her, she can run very fast, so her lay back attitude can be deceiving. My whole family is so excited and thankful of having Ava.

The only thing that confuses me is that she is afraid of other dogs, no matter if they are big or small. My neighborhood has a lot of dogs, so when we go for walks other dogs wants to play with her, but she runs away from them (when she is either leashed or unleashed). At first I thought that Ava may be insecure due to the new environment or that her previous owner did not socialize her with other dogs so she does not know how to play. A friend brought his male Corgi over to see how Ava reacts a couple of weeks after I got her. Even though the male Corgi is a bigger size, 40 lbs and Ava is 25 lbs, Ava approached him right away with all the correct doggies ettiques and initiated play. My friend told me that his Corgi don't usually play until he is familiar with the new environment, so after Ava tries to get him to play for about 10 minutes, he finally played with her. Ava definitely know how to play, for she did the chase and even did the wrestling with him. Of course, since she has a submissive nature, she played the submissive role. They had a great time. So now after over a month, she is still afraid and runs away from all the other neighborhood dogs so I'm not sure if insecurity is the issue here. Ava is spayed, and as far as I know, probably was spayed at an early age.

So does any one else Corgi only plays with other Corgis and are afraid of other dogs, or understand why Ava is like this? Just kind of puzzle why she has no problem playing with my friend's corgi but are afraid of other dogs.

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I think you are very lucky to get such a nice Corgi. I would not worry a bit about her shyness with the other dogs. I think she sounds very smart and protective of herself!!! The fact that she played with the other dog, that came to visit, shows she is just selective about her friends. I have always thought red tri's were really pretty. Riley's sire has a "white gene" and he came out with a lot of white which I love. The excessive white is a fault, but it doesn't matter to me. I chose him because when I picked him up he snuggled against my face and licked my ear. I was a goner. I have had him almost a year and have him in Agility training. It is soooo much fun. I doubt we will ever be famous, ha ha, but it is just a ball to do the obstacles and he loves it.
One other thing...Riley loves other dogs and is almost overbearing with wanting to play with all of them. That can be obnoxious. I have two outdoor dogs, an Aussie and a Golden Retriever, both big. He takes both of them on and they play and play. Probably learned early that big dogs are fun.
Best of luck to you with your cute new Corgi. Judi and Riley
I think she will warm up with repeated and diligent exposure.
That's a good idea to get her used to playing with someone she likes 1st before trying too many new dogs. I have 5 corgis and each one is a little different. Most of them love playing with big dogs but my more submissive dog Livvy sometimes does and other times does not like bigger dogs! They all love ones their size or smaller! It sounds like she is doing well and over time she'll let you know her preference! She has only been with you for a month and still may have some areas that she's not particularly comfortable with.
I think maybe she is not wanting to play/interact with the other dogs because it is a new environment, and because she feels more secure in your house than out walking. I would think that once she gets more used to the area that you take walks on, maybe she will warm up to another dog or two. Maybe a meeting with one of them in a different situation than walking might help? Some dogs don't like to be around other dogs when walking. It's weird I know. Good luck. hugs from me and Kota
It may be that she was more comfortable on her own turf, or it may be that if the male Corgi was a bit stand-offish, it made her more comfortable.

My female is not so great with other dogs on-leash, even if she knows them. She is ok if they are right next to her and will walk fine, but if they try to sniff at her she snarks a bit. Yet if they ignore her she will go up and sniff them. Off-leash she is ok and will play with other dogs, though her tolerance for rough-housing is quite low. Yet she will play-fight to the death with my male Corgi and loves it, so go figure. However, it took her awhile to warm up and get comfortable and the first few weeks we had her she was afraid of strange dogs, yet her former owner said she'd never been before. I think that for more submissive dogs, it can be a bit intimidating for them to move to a new home and neighborhood and "pack" structure, and they therefore lack the confidence to want to meet other dogs.

If you know some of your neighbors you might try walking together and that could help. Obedience classes are also a great way to meet other dogs in a controlled environment, especially if you can find one that's a combo class with beginner adults and puppies and focuses on socialization.

Good luck with Ava!
Thank you all for the responses. I'll have patience and hope that Ava will be more confident of herself eventually to play with other dogs in the neighborhood. I don't expect her to play with the big dogs, at least I hope she will play with other dogs her size or smaller.

This is a great site, and there is so much to browse through, and I am learning a lot about Corgis.


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