Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've been around. Buddha and I have been traveling and complaining a little about the snow ( it's kept us in a lot of the winter and that bodes not well for both of our waistlines).

Anyhow! I'm looking to see what kind of changes your dogs have gone through as they are aging. Personality, health in those categories. What do you, or do you t do with your corgi now that they are aging? What have you changed in their diet, if anything? How about tooth health?
This is more of an informative and interactive discussion. I know I'm curious, I bet some others are too!

For some background on Buddha, he is now 10 yrs old and a purebred PWC neutered male. He weighs about 30 pounds at last weigh in and his last vet visit was perfect! The he flew from Minneapolis, Mn to Nome, AK ;) He seems healthier nowadays than he has in the past. He is fed PureVita Grain Free Turkey and Pea, approx 3/4 to 1 cup a day depending on how much we played and walked that day.
He is a bit more grouchy and does his own thing unless it benefits him (he used to be more pleasing to me and what I wanted) in his aging. He has figured out how to make these odd wookie noises at my boyfriend to get him to open the treat cupboard. Haha!
Also, he still loves to hike and exercise. He is still learning new tricks even! His partial tears on both ACLs haven't acted up, he gets baby aspirin once in a while to nip some inflammation after exercising.

Ready, set, discuss!!

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I just keep them separate when we aren't around when I visit. It seems to have helped. Poor little guy. We feed them on completely separate floors to avoid attacks.
Since coming to Nome again he hasn't been sick at all, and he eats whatever I give him, including switching his food around because I can't get what I feed back home. I think it is stress related around Maddie.

What a good discussion and I'm curious to read the answers. Noodles will turn 9 in June and his latest development is no longer being able to digest (I'm assuming) dry food. About 2 months ago, he started having bloody diarrhea and this occured off and on for 2 weeks. At the 2 week mark when he wasn't getting any better (even with a bland diet), off to the vet we went. They said he must have eaten something bad and basically I walked out of there with a goody bag (wet food, medicine and probiotic). After finishing up most of the things, he was only back on dry food for 2 days when he was back to having bloody diarrhea. There have been no changes in his diet prior to that, so he is now permanently back on the wet food (Purina Veterinary Diets EN) mixed with the dry. He hasn't had a problem since. This is the most significant change. Also, he has developed a little bit of arthritis, so he is on carprofen when that acts up. We usually jog 2.75 miles a day, but he can no longer do that. Our short morning jogs are now walks and our afternoon jogs are walking to the track, jogging around the track only and then walking home. Oh, the tips of his ears are turning white (which I think is adorable) and some of the red around his eyes have a faint whisp of white in them as well. He's always been a sleeper, but let me tell you that 8:00 is his bed time. He will put himself to bed even if you aren't ready to head upstairs. He also seems to accept other dogs a bit more lately. He's always been a people dog, but he seems to want to greet other dogs lately. Not a problem and he's tried to play with a few as well and that is cute. That pretty much sums up what I've noticed so far.

I hear you...Wynn turns 9 this month. One thing I have done with most of my Corgis is to add warm water. Several of my Corgis have thrown up...almost like the dry food is too dry. Plain warm water has helped all of mine to NOT throw up:)

Wynn has always put himself to bed:)

Jane-Thanks for the suggestion. Noods has been getting warm water mixed with his dinner and has been all his life, but for whatever reason his tummy has changed. He is absolutely thrilled he gets the mixture of wet and dry right now. He still gets the warm water mixed with this mixture as well to kind of create a gravy for him.

I love the fact he puts himself to bed. I think it is just the cutest. We've told our friends he does this and for proof, he put himself to bed when we spent the weekend over at the coast. We were staying with some friends and Noodles was just staring at me and I thought he needed outside. Nope. He walked straight down the hallway and jumped up against the bed. It was too tall for him to jump up and he needed me to lift him up. I did and he slept up there the whole night. I went back out to the living room and they asked me where he was at. I said he wanted put to bed. That was at 8:00.

Here's a picture of him in his bed. He loves to be covered up.

What a good boy!  He's so cute.  Katie gets crated at night so we can get some sleep, she licks you if you so much as twitch a foot, but she never goes in her crate at any other time of the day...we leave both dogs loose when we go out of the house.  My husband goes up to bed around 8:30 because he has to get up at 3:30 am for work.  I go up about 9:45 - 10 to play on the computer or read.  They use to both just stare at me if I stayed up a little later.  Now Katie just goes in her crate and goes to sleep about 9:30...I think that my be something that changed because she is getting older.

My husband was on layoff for 7 weeks this winter, drove the dogs nuts.  They didn't care if he was still up but I was still expected to go up at my normal time.  Max would sit in front of me and grumble because I was staying downstairs later.  That was not allowed! 

Aww poor fella. At least he can still eat! Did the vets ever figure out what exactly it was that caused this?
LoL the bedtime thing is funny! Buddha has been doi this for about 3 years now. His thing is that he walks up to you, proceeds to attempt at getting your attention only once, then wanders upstairs or into the bedroom; only pausing halfway to look behind him to see if you've caught on and are following.
Now that he's older, I feed him whatever I feel like (mostly just licking the plate on occasion when we are done with dinner, or he gets the fish skin and bits I don't like when I cook halibut). Sounds bad, but really, he's my dog and best friend, and whatever makes him happy. He isn't overweight and the vets don't believe me when I tell them he is nearly 11 (he would be the box of Touch of Grey if he were to color his fur).
We still play fetch, go beach running, quad riding and he jogs or lopes alongside or out in front for a bit, he stills swims some too.
We just made our 3rd flight to Nome this May and he bounced back even faster this time.

This is 9 year old Wynn in his 9 year old baby bed:)

So cute. I will never understand why they like to curl up on things that are way too small or sleep in the most uncomfortable positions. Silly corgi's.

Wynn is just adorable

Jane....Wynn is so adorable!  Mine use to pull the cat beds off the chairs and lay on them.  The dogs not only have the crate but they have a bed big enough for a GSD.  One will lay in the nicely padded crate and the other will lay on the big bed.  Then they swap positions.

Thanks Linda...we have an extra large lab size crate and a large dog bed too...Wynn switches off using all 3!

Lol oh so cute! All of these pups in their beds!

Vicky...scary indeed.   I don't know what to say other than I could not have left Max in that kind of pain.  He could not turn his head and he cried, no medication they were able to give me helped with the pain for more than 2 days.  That was not a proper life for a corgi or any other animal.  My last and only hope was acupuncture and so far it has given Max a pain free, doing corgi things (with some restrictions) life.  He also has an herbal remedy from the vet who does the acupuncture that I mix in food twice a day and as long as he keeps him free of pain and living the good corgi life I will continue with it.

I was so impressed with what it did for him that I started going for acupuncture for my back, I have a fusion in my lower back, and I also take an herbal remedy from my acupuncturist daily.  It has taken me from a constant 8-10 pain level to a 2-3 and that I can live with.


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