Milly woke up this morning with her little right eye kind of goopy. She is keeping it half closed and it is runny. I am wondering if these are allergies. Two summers ago when she was just a year old the vet put her on a short dose of children s benadryl for allergies at the time. Last summer she was okay but this summer/fall she has had some issues. A couple of weeks ago her ears were really itchy. She seems to have itchy ears or face quite often and will rub her face on the carpet or sit in front of you and push her head into your hands for a scratch (although this second part is sometimes her being a suck!). I am considering changing her food from the Science Diet Naturals to something holistic to see if that will minimize her regularly itchy ears but in the meantime I am worried about her eye. This has happened before just a little less and it did seem weather related (too much wind in her face, etc). I do need to mention that I am hoping the vet calls back because a couple of weeks ago he didn't regarding the ears and I am considering changing vets as well as food.

Has anyone used benadryl for their corgis before or had this type of allergy? I'd be really interested in hearing opinions.


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I have used benadryl for other things and it has worked great! I tab of the plain benadryl if she's an adult (I use the dye free allergy soft gels). You could try it and see but I would use only when it's really bad. Do you know why her ears itch? Mine have this occasionally and if your sure it's not ear mites what I do is take some plain vinegar soaked in a paper towe(wet but not dripping)l and wipe them out...this has worked for cleans and helps with the ph balance in the ear. It might take a few days! 1-2 times a day! I would switch foods if I were you as Science diet does have corn in it but I have 2 dogs right now that have some slightly mattery eyes due to the weather or plant allergies and you can also wipe the eyes with a warm damp cloth! Good luck and sounds like a new vet might be good also!
I'd at least call the sounds like she scratched her cornea...
This sounds like what happened to my mom's dog when she scratched her cornea. Her eye was squinty and her inner eyelid was kind of closed and her eye was goopy. I would think if it were allergies, it would be affecting both of her eyes, not just one. The vet can use a dye in her eye and tell if there is a scratch or other injury. I would talk to your vet.
We used hot compresses when Gwynn had goopy eyes when she was young. Clogged tear duct I think. Labor-intensives, works. It went away.
Test on your lips for too hot first.
Hi Dana, it's Ragweed season in Toronto. Wipe Milly with a damp cloth everytime you come back from a walk. Increase your vacuum frequency, invest in a 3M air purifier if you need to. We have one and it saves me from using the pump.

The squinty eye is most likely a foreign object, go to Canadian superstore and get a cheap PC brand saline solution to flush it out, have someone hold a flash flight from the side. If Milly is pawing at it, put an e-collar on her. If it doesn't improve and gets swollen, it will need to be taken out by the vet or check and see if the corneal is scratched.

Consult your vet FIRST before you administer benedryl, the dosage is 1mg/lb, make sure it is the one without the red dye and other extra stuff, you want the regular clear capsule or the white tab plain. Diphenhydramine is diphenhydramine, you don't need to get benedryl brand, regular ones from Rexall or Shoppers will be just fine.

As far as food goes, slowly adjust the ratio with the new food, Milly should not have mushi poop after 1 week. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice everyone. Sam, I live in Mississauga and I am an allergy sufferer so we have your suggestion already in place but always good to know that I am not going to far. As for Milly, we just came back from the vet's. I really do need to change doctors so any advice is good. I don't mind spending the money for her health but he really did not have much to offer and I think I would have just been better off with the benadryl.
However; he thinks she has an infection and she has a slight fever but he did not go into much detail when I questioned him. He gave her medicated eye drops and we only managed to get them in the infected eye so far because she is freaking out when we try. He also gave her six anti inflammatory pills once per day to make her feel better. Those went down with no problem with a little peanut butter :)
The poor thing this afternoon was the worst. Her eye was almost completely closed and very runny and the inside whites were completely red so we made the decision for the vet very quickly. Now she finally ate something and is running in the yard with her soccer ball :))
Waffle got an eye infection just before I left for college. His eye was oozing yellow goop and his whites were red. I freaked out and wanted to take him to the vet, but my breeder told me to bring him to her house. She had an eye medication that was made from Eyebright and Goldenseal oils. It worked GREAT and saved me like 150 USD at the vet. I wish I could remember the brand... I'd suggest getting the medication and keeping it in case it happens again. I've used it several more times in the past month just because his eye has gooped for seemingly no reason, and it clears it right up. I'm sorry this had to happen to your baby! I hope she feels better soon. :3
I totally read this wrong as I was in a 1st response is not correct! Sorry!
Rosie had pink eye a year ago. Kept her eye closed, esp in the sunlight, runny, goopy, itchy. Took her to the vet and got some drops for her. Really cleared it up quickly. I didn't realize dogs got pink eye like kids. Wash your hands after treating her eyes no matter what she has.
An update. Milly is feeling better and her eye has returned almost to normal. The eye drops are awful to give and as soon as she sees the bottle she makes a run for it but we are persevering. The anti-inflammatory meds seem to be helping too. Thanks all for your advice!
It's amazing how fast they learn what things to quickly get away from. Mine do this with the ear cleaner bottle. Glad she's doing better!


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