Hi everyone! I need a little advice... Rowdy has decided he likes to chew up the carpet and nip my hands a little too hard. I just got him some of the bitter stuff, and I don't think he minded it... he still chews. When I correct him, I tell him "NO" very sternly and he stops then he backtalks me before trying it again a few minutes later. 


Has anyone else had this problem? I need to know the best way to correct it. He's only 7 1/2 weeks old and I need to get it corrected now!

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Think of Rowdy as an infant that can move around with sharp teeth. My Sparty was like that and we were successful in teaching him not to bite by using a very DRAMATIC high pitched yelp everytime he used his teeth. If he persisted I put him in the kitchen (puppy proofed) for a few minutes. It will take a bit because Rowdy is very young. Do not use his crate for punishment but try to have some place he can be confined for a short time out. As for the carpet chewing, I would try the same thing. You really have to watch them every minute at this age or have a safe area when you can not. Good luck and stay patient, these stages will pass if you are consistent.

Be consistent with which ever method you use & just enjoy.  It isn’t until they are not up to snuff and not acting their sassy selves that you realize how much you miss it!! 

Jack would back-talk me all the time as a puppy.  His favorite target was the wooden edges of the baby-gates we used to confine him to the kitchen.  He loved to chew them.  The bitter apple only worked for a couple minutes while it was wet.  He would see me getting the bottle and he would start barking at it.  Very funny!  He would also back-talk me when I would try to stop him from doing something he wanted to do.


The best thing to stop the carpet chewing is to keep him out of that room, or if it's an area rug to pick up the carpet.  A determined puppy can be hard to stop. Experiment with different things for him to chew;  Jack loved plain brown corrugated boxes.


For the back-talking, I would just stand with arms crossed and feet and shoulder-width and wait him out.  Sometimes he'd get frustrated and run in circles.  Eventually he would come and sit by me and then I would give him a very quiet "good".  Chances are Rowdy will outgrow it.  Bev is right; he's like  a very mobile infant with teeth at this age.  

Rowdy loved the cardboard box piece I gave him!
I'm glad Ginger isn't the only one who does this.  It doesn't matter how we discipline her, she back-talks.  She's the mouthiest little dog I've ever seen.  I've actually started giving her a really stern, mean look instead of saying no because I think the no, no matter how I say it, just excites her more.  She's starting to get that when she gets "the look" she needs to stop what she's doing, and back-talk will not be accepted.  The bark back is usually a little quieter when I give her the look, then she'll walk off grumbling.  They are definately a sassy breed!
For sure get him something he can tear up and chew on mine really likes bully sticks.  They have a need to chew so either you give them something or they will find something and chances are it wont be something you want them to chew on.  Mine loved to tear up paper and cardboard also and it is funny to watch them tearing up something if you gave it to them not so if you didn't :))  Also if they start to chew on something they will go back to it Quin started chewing on the corner of my couch when she was very young and she is now a year old and I found her chewing on it again the other day:(  just make sure there is always some thing they are allowed to chew.
Thank you everyone!
Consistent, persistent, and patient!!! Offer something more enticing to chew.


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