Just returned home after a long night at the vet!

Bandit is our 1 year old Corgi - - he was following my son out of the garage & his left hind leg got crushed by the door (it is one of those heavy doors that close on their own)

The vet says because of where the fracture is at casting won't work.

She also indicated that he will need to have surgery and although she couldn't give us an estimate because she & her office don't do orthopedic surgery; she indicated it would cost "at least a couple thousand".

She said an amputation would be significantly cheaper; but I told her I was not interested in hearing about that option until I have talked to the 3 surgeons she was referring me to.

So - - of course we have to wait to hear what we are up against on Monday in terms of cost - and we WANT to have the surgery done; but if it is several thousand dollars we will have to work to do some quick fundraising and begging family members to help us with the cost.

I am curious to know of anyone's thoughts, advice, or experience with this type of injury... I live in Portland, OR area - so any suggestions of surgeons would be awesome!

I am attaching his xray from tonight & a picture of our poor baby with his splint :(


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Hi Amy,

Go and talk to the 3 surgeons and weight in all your options, if surgery is the best option then I would put it all on a credit card, take up a second / part time job, do a garage sale, raise and pay off the entire amount all by myself. 

You guys are all so WONDERFUL!
It is so nice to know I have somewhere to go and get such great advice and support!

My son (he is 18) is devasted (it is truly HIS dog- I have his brother from the same litter) & feels responsible of course - but he is also prepared to spend every penny he earns for the next 20 years to get this surgery done!

Met a GREAT surgeon - man he was WONDERFUL; we got an email from him, suggested we take OFF the split because it may be making it worse; he also said he needs better pain management - his vet gave him the equivalent of an Advil for a broken leg!!! The surgeon also said this is VERY fixable! He expects a good recovery.

SO - we meet with the surgeon tomorrow :)

Keep Bandit in your thoughts and prayers PLEASE..... I just know he feels them :)

Wonderful new...you're in our thoughts and prayers.
Hi Amy! Glad you got some good advice and met with a surgeon. I agree that you should meet with the doctors before making a decision. I would do surgery before amputation--I've had to do so many procedures with all my dogs over the years. I'm sure it would all add up to $50,000- and I'm not joking. Somehow, it's all worked out in the end. I've managed to get the money to pay off the debt. I'm just a firm believer in giving them a chance, and then doing the horrible option if needed. So far, I've never had to do a horrible option...

Oh poor little guy.  Let us know the developments from the surgeon.  From your son's perspective surgery would be easier to cope with.  Your son will adjust, but if Bandit has an amputated leg that will be a constant reminder to your son. Dogs can be very adapting.  I hope the best for your family. 

Best of luck to all of you, glad you found a surgeon you like and hope he's right about being fixable. In the spirit of Corgi karma, I made a donation to CorgiPals (hadn't heard of them before, either). Will be looking for updates!

so glad to know it's fixable.  good luck.  keep us posted.  hope your son doesn't beat himself up too much.  stuff happens. 

I'm so glad you met with the surgeon. He sounds wonderful! Poor little Bandit. I don't know if he cried when the door closed on him, but when Sidney's hip dislocated he cried and it nearly broke my heart. It sounds like Bandit is in excellent hands and I look forward to reading about his full recovery.

Hope Bandit is doing better very soon and is not in to much discomfort!  Hang in there you will know what to do when you hear all of the options and some vets offer payment plans for more expensive surgeries.  Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way!  ^..^

Oh Wow! I am so very sorry to hear about Bandit's accident! My heart is just breaking thinking of what you ALL are going thru...you are at the right place to get help, support and info...please take heart that all of us on here will be here to support you in anyway we can. Sounds like you are getting some excellent advice. Please don't panic or expect the worst. Our breed is awesome and which ever treatment ends being the one the experts suggest as I said our breed is amazing...take heart in knowing our Corgi community will be here to help you thru the road ahead... You all will be in our pray... Lori, Callie & Cooper

I just posted an update after Bandit's surgery...... It is under the same health heading.

Thank you all so much for caring

Paige from CorgiPals just added Bandit to Helping Paws (she is awesome!)

I know times are tough and everyone is gearing up for the holidays but if you are able to contribute it would be appreciated :)



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