My 11mo corgi Pebble barks very barely since I got her. She is super friendly and never barks at people.

During walks when there are other dogs barking at Pebble, she remains super calm and never barks back.

However, recently she starts growling when there are dogs/people walking outside the hallway (we live in an apartment).

And whenever I leave the apartment for school or whatever, she barks VERY aggressively and I can hear it even I walked into the elevator! 

Well, I walk her every morning before I leave for school, I don't get why she still barks when I leave home after I've walked her... and I don't understand why she's constantly growling? Maybe she's jealous of the dogs in the hallway who are going out for walks? I have no clue.

I mean it's totally normal for a dog to bark. But sometimes she barks so suddenly that it just freaks me out. I tell her "no" when she growls but it doesn't help.

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I would like to know about this also. My dog edan didn't bark till he was 10 months old. Now he just barks randomly and he is always growling when people are in the hall ofthe apartment. Also every time we go outside he greets the world with one loud bark then keeps growling for a few minutes.
The first time Finn barked he was 8 weeks old and it was his first day at our home. My Mom came over with her Cardi to meet him and as soon as they walked through the door Finn barked (as deep a bark an 8 week old can muster up) and took a few steps towards them looking very alert. Not very threatening but so very cute. :) Of course as he grew older it became less cute and more annoying. he's always felt the need to guard his territory. The only time he won't bark is when he's in his crate.
The here they were a few minutes later:
Corgis are often very territorial, but they don't put their big boy/girl pants on til they are anywhere from 6 months to 2 years and very few puppies are territorial. So the reason for the change is you are seeing the adult personality. You can help fine-tune their response by checking out the situation yourself, saying "thank you" or "that's enough" after you've seen that everything is ok, and then only tell them "no" when they are barking at totally inappropriate things (the coffee-pot starting, for example). If your dog is deferential to you, it will see that it's the job of the dog to alert you to strange happenings, and up to you to determine if the strange happenings are a threat or not. She's not growling out of jealousy; she's growling to tell the strange noises in the hallway that this is her space and they are not allowed in uninvited.

If you want the dog to not bark at all, you are going against instinct and so you will have a much longer training process on your hands. I choose to let mine bark as long as they stop when I tell them it's ok, but I live in a house, not an apartment.

The first time Jack gave a big-boy bark (deep and throaty instead of yappy), he scared himself. It was very funny if you were there.
I agree with Beth...they can not see but hear something and they are alerting you to it. If you just check it out and say good girl that calms them down or a simple sssshhhhh hush..not so much a shut up. I find mine will settle more if I just ssshhhh them then to say shut up. If she does a low grumble or what I call the little bubble bark..I tend to leave that go. Its there way of communicating and something has her in a tizzy so I just try to get them to calm down. I can see how being in an apartment could have a Corgi on its toes and won't be easy for you. If anything let her see what the noise is and in time maybe she will not call wolf so much. hehe
Barking inside when they hear a noise outside is normal. They are protecting their home. Finn is the same way. He will not bark outside at all even if there are other dogs around him barking, but in the house he will give a sudden, loud warning bark and once I assure him it's ok he will continue to make soft grumbling noises. He also barks very loudly when someone knocks on the door and he'll run to the door. I've been trying to teach him "quiet" but he is so stubborn and always has to have the last word. Charging the door and barking is another huge annoyance we have to work on.
Thanks for all the helpful replies.

The reason I mentioned the word "jealous" is because Pebble LOVES going out. (actually my apt is not that small but I think she likes outdoor places better). She tries every attempt to get out, even when I go to the dumpster or laundry room. And she is very friendly with strangers, e.g. delivery man. (I don't think she's gonnna do anything even when someone breaks in our apt and rob us...haha)

I am very relieved after knowing that she does it because she wants to guard us. Good to hear that.

In addition to herding, corgis were supposed to keep critters out of the garden so they do have that protective streak. Sparty tends to bark or growl when people especially my husband leave.He is not aggressive to people at all. If they turn around and stay he is very happy. I have always thought it is because he is bossy and wants everyone to stay here. I think it offends his sense of order when people leave! He wants all his ducks in a row! LOL
But... there's one more thing left unanswered...

I still don't get why she barks A LOT whenever I leave home...
Not sure, but I would solve that by giving her a little peanut butter on a Kong as I walked out the door. It teaches them that you leaving is a good thing. An eating dog won't bark. :-)
We call this type of barking the "Incredulous" bark - it's not "someone's at the door, someone's at the door", it is "I can NOT believe you're leaving me here! SURELY you must not realize you've shut the door and LEFT me here! HELLOOOO?! HEY! You FORGOT me!"

We also get the Incredulous Bark if we don't let him back in the house fast enough. It's a bark that says "Surely you must NOT have heard me the first time, otherwise you'd have BEEN HERE by now! HELLOOOO?! I KNOW you wouldn't just IGNORE me, so obviously you didn't HEAR ME?!"

These types of barks are different than others - they're sharp, loud, and repeated faster and faster depending on how long they are 'ignored'.
Finnigan will also bark when he hears me or my husband lock our cars (it makes that honking sound). He knows it's one of us coming and he will bark until we walk in the door. I don't know why he does that. maybe he's just excited to know we're coming home. In your case I think Pebble barks when you leave because she is protesting to being left.


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